It’s a bird, it’s a plane … oh wait, it’s just a new Superman movie. After almost 20 years since the last film starring Christopher Reeve, Warner Brothers has brought the man in the red cape back to the big screen.
Superman (Brandon Routh) returns to New York after a hunt to find the remnants of his home planet. Five years may have gone by, but not much has changed. The world is still troubled and in need of a savior, so Superman quickly throws himself back into the fray. He jumps in the middle of shootings and rescues women from runaway cars. What has changed, however, is former flame Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth), who now has a son and is engaged to another man. Plus, archrival Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) has been released from prison.
Luthor wastes no time in coming up with his newest diabolic plan. Using crystals stolen from Superman’s secret hideaway, he finds out that adding a drop of the crystal to water will cause new landforms to appear. He plans to create his own continent, destroying the American continent, and threaten other countries into buying up his new real estate. Of course it’s up to Superman to thwart his plans, all while making googly eyes at Lane.
Routh brings a hint of charm to the role of Superman and Clark Kent. There are plot holes that we all know – like how donning a pair of glasses somehow miraculously disguises Clark. Routh, however, plays it off tongue-in-cheek, acting completely goofy and dorky as Kent. With his portrayal, we can actually understand why no one could possibly believe Kent could double as Superman. The movie, however, is ruined by a lackluster villain.
Superman ReturnsPG-13, 157min.Warner Bros.7/10
Spacey as Luthor is completely dry and unenthusiastic. There is no spark in the interaction between the two, and the longstanding hatred is barely visible. There’s not much palpable evil in Luthor’s character, just a misunderstood real estate agent.
During the movie, Lane wins a Pulitzer Prize for an editorial titled “”Why the World Doesn’t Need Superman.”” When it comes to an assignment about writing “”Why the World Needs Superman,”” she sits staring at a blank computer screen. She can’t think about why the world does need Superman. I wonder a similar thing – why the world needs a new Superman movie. “”Superman Returns”” brings nothing new to the story. We don’t learn anything new about the character; there is no new plot twist to the story. The new film may carry on the legacy of the “”Superman”” chronicles, but it certainly doesn’t add anything to it.