Liam Lowth is an exchange student from Austrailia studying film and television, at Paradise Bakery on Sunday. He will be studying here until December.
The UA opens its doors to numerous foreign exchange students every semester to come and study in the Old Pueblo. The purpose of this column is to profile the thoughts and opinions about the campus environment, but from the perspective of one of these worldly students. This week, we met with Liam Lowth, an aspiring screenwriter from Brisbane, Australia. Lowth is visiting the U.S. for the first time this fall semester. Though he may be allergic to Vegemite, Lowth is still a full-blooded Australian with a distinct accent and commentary on America’s large food portions.
Daily Wildcat: Why did you choose to study in Arizona?
Lowth: I had a choice between Utah and Arizona. I honestly don’t know too much about either, but Arizona seemed to have a more youthful presence to it. People tell me I made the right decision.
What has been the biggest culture shock?
Food, maybe. … It’s really different. When I get a small coffee, I end getting this jumbo thing. But everything seems to taste better, which may be a health detriment.
How does academia compare between here and Australia?
I think it’s pretty similar, but there is a lot more physical work here; I have to do a lot more papers and assignments. They also seem a lot stricter here on attendance, but I guess that’s good motivation in getting students to class.
What’s one thing you really miss in Australia?
Regular public transport, maybe.
Have you ridden the new streetcar?
I have once, but it was pretty expensive, though. I did buy a pass recently.
What do you hope to do while you’re in America?
I’m heading to San Diego relatively soon, and I’ll get to see the California coast. It’s mainly to see the diversity within the states.
Isn’t Australia pretty diverse?
We have minor differences. But like, even the accents in America are really different, which I think is really cool.
What’s one of the strangest things you’ve seen since being here?
I was waiting at the bus stop and this girl gets out of the car and is holding this giant, 4-liter container of Diet Coke. It was huge and ridiculous, but fascinating to watch. I also saw a “don’t step on my freedom” bumper sticker.
Are Americans more patriotic than Australians?
Much more so. I was at a football game, and there were people yelling “USA.” But I think it’s good but totally different from home.
Have you adjusted to the Arizona heat?
I think it’s OK; it’s manageable. I’m not walking around in the middle of the day, which I don’t think I ever will.
How would you compare the social environment here?
It does seem like a stronger community sense. Australia doesn’t have fraternities or sororities. The college experience seems to be a bigger deal over here.
—Follow Kevin C. Reagan @KevinReaganUA