Clorox won’t clean up this type of mess
A University of Arizona Police Department officer witnessed a speeding vehicle at the intersection of Broadway Boulevard and Campbell Avenue around 1 a.m. on Jan. 7.
The officer followed the vehicle, reaching a speed of 70 mph in order to catch up to it.
The vehicle swerved through turn lanes, almost hitting the median multiple times.
The UA officer gave multiple bursts of his siren before the vehicle finally came to a stop on Campbell Avenue over Aviation Highway, two intersections after the officer initiated his emergency lights.
The officer noted that the driver’s window was only rolled down approximately 4 inches where the female driver held out her Arizona driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance.
She was slow to respond and questioned police when they asked her to roll down her window completely. After multiple attempts, the woman managed to roll down her window, whereupon an officer asked if she had had anything to drink.
The woman responded “no,” and began drinking a lot of water out of a large gallon bottle and wiping her face with Clorox wipes.
Police asked the woman to exit the vehicle as she showed signs of intoxication.
After failing several administered sobriety tests and a breath sample, she was read her Miranda Rights and placed under arrest for driving under the influence to the slightest degree and transported to the UAPD station for processing.
UA employee teed off after car theft
A UA staff member called the UAPD around noon on Jan. 5 after he discovered his car had been broken into on Lot 8138.
An officer met with the male staff member who said he left his locked 2014 Hyundai unattended for approximately five hours.
The staff member told police that once he returned to his vehicle, he noticed the cover of his fuse box laying on the floorboard and the center console hatch left in the open position.
Upon opening the trunk, the employee discovered a golf bag and various clubs had gone missing. The missing items were valued at $1,500 and included a black and gray Nike golf bag that contained several clubs, wedges and a white UA towel.
Police were unable to dust for prints because the employee had contaminated the crime scene.
Police asked employees at a nearby Circle K if they had witnessed anyone with golf clubs in the area. The employees verified they had not.
Officers did not find any witnesses or suspects in the area.