Rebecca Noble
ASUA President-elect and economics and political science junior Matt Lubisich poses for a picture in his future office. Lubisich got involved with ASUA after his mother was a senator during her time at UA.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona is holding a special election for the College of Fine Arts senator, with applications currently live on the ASUA website. Applications will close Oct. 13, with campaigns kicking off Oct. 16.
Jesus Trevino, senior diversity officer and special adviser to the provost, announced plans to expand workshops and student presentations over the next year to be held in the Student Union Memorial Center Ballroom.
Trevino recognized the partnership between ASUA, the Office of Diversity and University of Arizona President, Dr. Robert Robbins, hoping to continue reviewing inclusive excellence infrastructure on campus.
“Student groups can begin to look internally at policies, procedures and traditions,” Trevino said. “How can you embed diversity and inclusiveness into these things?”
RELATED: ASUA Notebook: October 3
Working in connection with the Pride Alliance and LGBTQ Resource Center, the Coming Out Resolution was passed. As part of Coming Out Week, students may submit their name to a list composed of members of the LGBTQ community and allies. This list will run as an Out and Proud ad.
“Putting those names on the list is a way to show that we have a tangible LGBTQ community on campus and make people feel more safe,” said Senator Kate Rosenstengel.
The list of Wildcat Events Board concert performers was passed 13-2, approving a list composed of all country singers for this year’s event.
Finally during senator reports, ASUA Senator Sydney Hess reported that UA departments met with representatives of surrounding neighborhoods at the Campus Community Relations committee meeting to discuss construction of the new Honors Complex.
According to Hess, community members expressed dissatisfaction over the $3,000,000 allocated to taxes as the UA and the Arizona Board of Regents do not pay property taxes. Representatives also expressed concern over construction noise.
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