Comments from dailywildcat.comOn ‘””Don’t ask”” hurts U.S. forces,’ Feb. 19What is so interesting about the McCain quote used in this article is that, during his presidential bid, McCain stated that he would rely on military leadership recommendations concerning this issue and support those decisions. It seems to me that he’s deaf to current military leaders, perhaps because he’s too busy listening to the screeching of right-wing ideologues. If you believe in equal rights and oppose stop-loss, it’s time to change this out-dated and unjust policy!Ariel
If you believe in protecting our country and leaving well enough alone until we are done with this war, you agree with McCain. He knows better then most of us about the military, and I respect his stand on this along with many other issues!Madilyn
Repeal the law now! 83 percent of discharges under the Homosexual Policy are of those who out themselves. 20 percent of the discharges occur during recruit training, 11 percent during job training and 51 percent within one year of completing job training. This is a total waste of taxpayer dollars, and, regardless of the reasons these members out themselves, one thing remains a constant: failure to complete contractual obligation. If soldiers, sailors, airman and Marines want to engage in homosexual conduct, what’s the big deal? If conservative homophobe heteros don’t like it … they should leave the service or simply not enlist. After all, there are plenty of homosexuals and liberals ready, willing and able to march into battle.Walt
For the civilians: There are four Chiefs of Staff (Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) plus the chairman, (Adm. Mullen) who is a mouthpiece between the president and service chiefs and not a policy dictator for each respective branch of the military. Adm. Mullen issued a personal opinion and predicated on an inability to obtain a consensus of support from the four chiefs. Therefore, there is no official position issued by the joint chiefs. McCain (who understands the makeup of the JCS) has stated he will support the recommendation of the military leadership. This does not mean supporting a personal opinion of one, and, as such, McCain demanded that Mullen have the four chiefs provide the Senate Committee with their positions.Marine
On ‘Streetcar’s funding complete,’ Feb. 19Awesome, and they are planning on raising tuition 31 percent. You get a trolley ride though. PFFFFFFF. Cronyism at its finest.Sam
Letters to the editorFederalism?I do not have the space here to discuss the complete structure of the Federated Republic of the United States. Yet, a simple understanding or complete lack of knowledge of Federalism is clear in Rachel Leavitt’s piece on the Bill currently in the Legislature concerning the private funding of a “”Ten Commandments”” Monument on State grounds. Were the Legislature to vote an approval for this measure, there is nothing unconstitutional about it because it does not, legally speaking, have any reference to the Federal Government. If the idea of separation of church and state must persist, then Miss Leavitt must recognize that this applies to Federal processes and sphere. State Governments and Constitutions are not granted power by the Federal Government, and are Sovereign entities that maintain their own constitutions and laws. State Governments are absolutely allowed to decide for themselves how much of the mixing they want of church and state. Actually, it would be an encroachment of state’s rights for even the Supreme Court to intervene, in which case the State could invoke the 10th amendment and maintain their monument. If Miss Leavitt and her likeminded ilk do not like this measure, they should lobby against it, and in the event they lose they can collect votes for a referendum. If you have civil questions and comments, look me up in the UA phonebook.John WinchesterNon-Degree Seeking Grad Student
A voice about voices
Regarding “”Human Rights Violations,”” Feb. 15: In the ever expanding bureaucracy of America’s “”representative”” government, the actions and opinions of individuals have become less effective and less important. It is nearly impossible to demand accountability from our government; many Americans have sought instead to make their opinions heard through socially conscious consumption choices.
The effort to sever the UA’s contract with Motorola has nothing to do with anti-Semitism; it does not expect to financially cripple Motorola either. To end a contract with a corporation known to perpetuate human rights offences is to make a consumption choice- a statement which says the students and administration of the UA will not be ethically complicit or financially accountable for human rights violations in Palestine. By ending our contract with Motorola, we employ one of the most effective tools in making our voices heard, our money.Elizabeth DakeHistory senior