Amy Bailey
Old Main is the original building of the university and is at the heart of the campus.
University Communications changed how the University of Arizona is referred to on second reference. They are adopting UArizona to distinguish the University of Arizona from several other entities that use the abbreviation UA, according to a university press release.
The change only applies to information coming out of University Communications. The news group at Health Sciences will also be adopting the change. The change made the cover of the Arizona Daily Star last week and has gained national attention.
The change was made because of the multitude of organizations that use the abbreviation UA. Pam Scott, associate vice president of external communications, shared some insight on why the choice was made.
“We send press releases nationally and internationally,” Scott said. “It’s unclear what organization is being talked about by looking at the headline and subject line.”
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The phrase “UArizona” came about after a series of meetings over several months, according to Scott. The group was a mixture of marketing and communications associates tasked with finding a solution.
It is not the intention of University Communications to change “the UA,” Scott said. When people talk about the university, they still want to be referred to as UA or U of A.
Despite that, “Saturday Night Live” co-head writer Colin Jost interpreted it as a name change and poked fun at the new phrase on the show’s “Weekend Update” segment.
“Is it just me or does ‘UArizona’ sound like the punch line to a joke about Arizona stereotypes?”Jost said. “Like, ‘If you’ve ever gotten a DUI in a golf cart, UArizona.’”
The Daily Wildcat will not be adopting “UArizona” and will continue to use UA upon second reference.
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