Kristian Dowling
Just when we thought the continuous thread of failed MTV series could not get any longer, Rob Dyrdek’s “Ridiculousness” was born. As predicted by many, “Ridiculousness” was a disappointment. The show revolves around Dyrdek, Sterling “Steelo” Brim and Chanel “West Coast,” the token know-nothing blonde, commenting on some of the most popular and laugh-worthy videos on YouTube.
You may think this sounds familiar. Comedy Central’s “Tosh.0” already crafted a hit show playing on the popularity of many YouTube sensations. Any show with the same idea would need killer comedy, new material and a better supporting cast to succeed. All of these vital elements were sadly left out of “Ridiculousness,” and the half-hour segment got old fast.
The beauty of “Tosh.0” is the commentary and genuine hilarity of Daniel Tosh. In contrast, Dyrdek’s remarks lacked material and originality, which got annoying quickly. Perhaps the show would have been bearable if put on mute.
As if Dyrdek’s contribution was not enough, the rare and short-lived comments from his peanut gallery were even worse. “Steelo” Brim barely spoke and Chanel “West Coast” proved to be the stereotypical blonde by giggling and making dumb remarks.
Anyone who can log onto the Internet can do Dyrdek’s job, so save yourself the torture of sitting through the show and look up the videos yourself for a good laugh. The most (and only) amusing part of “Ridiculousness” was the string of top-rated videos he found online, half of which have already been used on “Tosh.0.”
With an untalented cast, horrible writers and an idea copied from a hit show with an already developed fan base, “Ridiculousness” was sure to fail. It is sad to see that MTV, the once great organization, honored as the creator of music television, has come to this.
MTV’s once weighty impact on the music industry is gone and replaced by atrocious trash television. The complete trash that is “Ridiculousness” seems miniscule compared to that of “Death Valley,” “I Just Want my Pants Back” and “Skins.” For whatever reason, MTV has thrown its reputation out the window, playing only shows that teach America’s youth about sex, drugs, alcohol and just about any other inappropriate thing you can think of.
“Ridiculousness” is a direct reflection of the tasteless organization that created it.
_— Ashley Pearlstein is a journalism junior. She can be reached at arts@wildcat.arizona.edu. _