What’s up students?
If you’re reading this, it’s almost Election Day, Nov. 3, which means you STILL have time left to cast your ballot and vote in 2020 – and you can get all the info you need at voteamerica.com/students to make it happen.
Want to find your polling place, or learn the difference between “postmarked” and “received by” for mail-in ballots in your state? Want to find out what you need to bring to the polls, hand-deliver your mail-in ballot to a certified drop-off center, and double-check you’ve filled it all out completely, from your signature to the correct date to enclosing it properly in the right envelope? Want to track your ballot, or call your local election official with questions?
We’ve got you for literally all of that – voteamerica.com/students is the one-stop-shop where you can find the best, most up-to-date election details and make your plan to vote on or before this crucial 2020 Election Day, Nov. 3rd.
We also launched a voter text-line with a genius crew of grassroots volunteers many of whom are also students like you – you can text them now at 48298 for live human support with all your voting needs, they’re standing by!
I hope you’ll join and be counted – because as someone who believes in democracy, 2020 has me going back and forth between being super-enraged and super-inspired approximately twelve times a day. There is just too much at risk this year and we are seeing unbelievable blatant attempts to keep you from voting throughout the country.
This past week alone I’ve already:
Been party to a lawsuit against the state of Florida (where the Secretary of State crashed their own website on the day of the voter registration deadline, blocking thousands of Floridians from crucial voting info).
Just finished TV interviews about how the California Republican Party literally planted fake drop-off boxes in order to disenfranchise voters of color and young voters, while the Governor of Texas is trying to force 6.5 million people in a county to use ONE SINGLE drop-box for all their mail-in ballots (You read it right. 6.5 MILLION. One (1) drop-off. It’s nuts.)
Watched as early voting lines in Georgia stretched from 2 hours to 7 hours to 11 hours (!) – especially at polling locations serving communities of color and young voters.
Creating chaos during elections is an old voter suppression tactic – but students like you are reminding me every day that those old tactics are not going to work this time. Students are turning out in record numbers to make a difference, to ensure the youth vote is counted, and to prove that we can count on each other. Make your plan at voteamerica.com/students and vote on or before Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020.
Let’s do this,
Debra Cleaver
Founder, VoteAmerica