Mark Randall
President Barack Obama stumps in Delray Beach, Florida, Tuesday, October 23, 2012, the morning after the third and final presidential debate held at Lynn University in Boca Raton. Several thousand supporters filled the Delray Beach Tennis Center to hear the President speak at what the campaign called a Grassroots Event. (Mark Randall/Sun Sentinel/MCT)
HENDERSON, Nev. — President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney joined their running mates in rallying thousands of supporters in must-win battleground states Tuesday as they entered the final, frenzied, two-week stretch of the presidential race.
Obama continued with a familiar line of attack, arguing that Romney has shifted positions on key issues to win voters.
“Trust matters,” a shirt-sleeved Obama told a crowd estimated at 9,500 at a park in Dayton, Ohio. “You know, Ohio, you know me. You know I mean what I say and I do what I’m going to do. You know that I will make the tough decision, even when it’s not popular.”
Romney criticized the president for answering Republicans’ charge of having no second-term agenda by distributing a 20-page pamphlet and a new TV ad with already-introduced plans. Romney’s campaign promptly dubbed it a “glossy panic button.”
“That’s why his campaign is taking on water and our campaign is full steam ahead,” the former Massachusetts governor told 6,000 people at an outdoor pavilion in Henderson, Nev. “Attacks on me are not an agenda.”
Obama campaigned in Florida and Ohio. Romney appeared in Nevada before holding an evening rally in Colorado with New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and singers Kid Rock and Rodney Atkins. Together, the two campaigns introduced four new ads Tuesday, including a pair in which the men speak directly into the cameras as they make their final pitches to undecided voters in swing states, who’ll determine the winner.
Obama and Romney participated in their third debate Monday night in Florida. It marked their final joint appearance before the Nov. 6 election.
A new Washington Post-ABC News national tracking poll released late Tuesday found a statistical dead heat with Romney at 49 percent and Obama at 48 percent among likely voters. Nearly all interviews were conducted before the final debate.
In Nevada, Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan, his vice presidential nominee, sought to portray their campaign as picking up momentum as part of “a movement across the country, as people are realizing we can do a better job than the past four years.”
“We can handle two more weeks of campaigning, but we can’t handle four more years of what he’s given us,” Romney said, ticking off unemployment numbers, sinking housing costs and rising gas prices. He said he’d deliver 12 million new jobs, raise take-home pay and cap spending.
A fired-up Obama began his day speaking to 11,000 in the South Florida city of Delray Beach before joining Vice President Joe Biden in Ohio, where he accused Romney of coming down with a case of “Romnesia” — forgetting or abandoning his previous positions.
“If you said that you love American cars during the debate, you’re a car guy, but you wrote an article titled ‘Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,’ you definitely have a case of ‘Romnesia,’” the president said to cheers.
Romney, who’s promoted a more centrist message in recent weeks, has been under fire for softening or changing his views on a number of policies, including immigration, tax cuts and abortion.
Obama reminded the crowd that he’d backed the auto industry bailout, a move that Romney opposed. While Detroit and Michigan have a reputation as the auto capital of America, Ohio also is the home of several automobile plants and an auto parts industry. One in eight Ohio jobs is linked to the industry.
“Folks don’t remember what we did with the auto industry. It wasn’t popular when we did it. It wasn’t even popular in Michigan and Ohio. But it was necessary,” the president said.