Pascal Albright
Behind the Beaker: the DW science podcast highlights scientists and their work in the UA community. Weekly shows are available everywhwere you stream podcasts including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
SEASON 4 is now Available!!!!!!!
Even during a pandemic the team at the Daily Wildcat has found ways to tell amazing stories for our community. This season, Behind the Beaker, features hosts, Udbhav Venkataraman and Jillian Bartsch both DW science reporters ready for a jam-packed season of science fun!
Behind the Beaker is a science podcast created by Alex Pere, about the unbelievable science and even more unbelievable scientists behind it at the University of Arizona. Available on Spotify, Apple Podcast or anywhere you stream podcasts! Weekly episodes feature scientists from across the board.
This podcast is a Daily Wildcat production in association with Arizona Student Media. The Daily Wildcat is “online all the time, at dailywildcat.com.” Share, Rate and Comment!
Behind the Beaker Episodes:
Alone with your thoughts: A mental health study
Mental Health Compilation from Season 4
Rocket Science, Resilience, and Robust Decision Making
Curiosity killed the cat
Mars, smectites, and out of this world research
When there is passion, there’s a way
Floods, droughts, and rising temperatures
It’s ok to take your time, nobody actually knows what they are doing
The reality of being a STEM major
Season 4 Trailer
Fruit flys, oh my!
Insect brain evolution
A voice for nature
Oh, memories!
Diving deeper into grief
A look into the Ancient World
Climate change: A look around the world
Save the butterflies
The power of active listening
Lets talk public health
Another Earth?
EYE can’t believe this!
All things blood related
What’s going on with water in Arizona?
WATER you thinking? Can you ARCHI-tell me?
Lights, Camera, Photons
‘Wherever You Go, I’ll Follow’ – The Story of Microorganisms
Diving deeper into migration, food and craft beer
The Diversity of the definition of Health and Healthcare
The science of Food Safety
You may be immune, but for how long? The AZ HEROES Study
Out of this World Asteroid Talk
Poop Does Not Lie
Season 2 Trailer
There is more out there than academia kids
Mutualism, Cheating, and bees aren’t angels
Fires, climate change, tree rings.. Oh my!
PHDs aren’t everything and wait………… we still use weather balloons?
Space Rocks and Board Games, Professor Dante Lauretta
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