Lisa Beth Earle
Lisa Beth Earle/ Arizona Daily Wildcat The Yoyo spins brave passengers through the air at Spring Fling on Friday, April 9. The revenue and attendance of this year's event beat out last year's by raising about $40,000 for campus clubs and organizations.
Spring Fling’s revenue and attendance were higher this year than last year.
“”There are several things that contributed to higher attendance this year,”” said Executive Director Lexy Keffeler. “”I think it’s really affordable, and it’s really close to home, so most people don’t need to worry about the drive. It also helps that it’s a traditional event that most people know a lot about.””
Keffeler also cited the improving economy and increased advertising for the high attendance.
Approximately 23,000 people attended Spring Fling during its four-day run at Rillito Downs, with the majority coming during the event’s first two days.
“”I thought Thursday and Friday had a good turnout,”” said Corporate Director Kristina Keffeler. “”We had some promotions that we tried that seemed to be really pop and get more people to come.””
The event raised approximately $40,000 for UA clubs and organizations, though exact numbers will not be finalized for a few days.
“”Our goal is to ensure that the Spring Fling breaks even from a business standpoint while maximizing profits for involved clubs,”” said marketing director Chase Sutton. “”And, in that, we succeeded.””
Five awards were given out to clubs at the event to recognize the product or service they provided.
The UA Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan won the best food award for their chili con carne; the UA Society of Automotive Engineers won an award for being the most enthusiastic food booth; the Delta Chi Lambda sorority won both the most enthusiastic and best overall commercial booth awards; and Alpha Phi Gamma won the best facade award for design, as well as the executive award given out by Lexy Keffeler to her favorite booth.
“”I think clubs were more satisfied with Spring Fling this year than last year,”” said Club Relations Director Shandy Rivera. “”I think they were more satisfied with the way it was run and the way it went. We made some changes to make it more club-friendly, we asked for suggestions in the beginning and tried to accommodate as many of those as possible.””
Public response to the event was also overwhelmingly positive according to surveys collected at the event. According to Lexy Keffeler, out of several hundred people surveyed, all respondents said they would attend the event again.
Lexy Keffeler voiced her hope that the event would be able to make a return to campus after a decade-long absence next year. A proposal that would have moved the event to the stretch of grass east of Cherry Avenue fell through after some nearby neighborhoods protested.
“”I think it’s (that) they remember Spring Fling how it was,”” Lexy Keffeler said. “”This is our 10th year off campus, and the event has changed a lot since then. On campus in the past it was only a Greek Life event and was more like a party back then. After it moved to Rillito, it was nixed and started over as a business. It’s our job; it’s not a party; it’s not a joke. We’ve really established ourselves as a legitimate fundraiser for clubs and as a business for this campus.””
Though Lexy Keffeler will not be involved with the event next year, she stated her desire to resubmit a proposal, even including a question regarding the potential move on this year’s event survey.
“”We want to work with (the neighborhoods) and see what we can do to show them we’re a serious event,”” said Lexy Keffeler said. “”Hopefully that will happen next year with the new director.””