The French word for walkie-talkie is “”talkie-walkie.””
American Indians spoke more than 133 languages.
In England a cat is sometimes called a “”moggy.”” Noses are “”conks.””
Michigan has more lighthouses than any other state, even though it does not border the ocean.
Tennessee got its name in 1796. Before then, it was known as Franklin.
Pound for pound, oysters have 20 times as much cholesterol as eggs.
The darker green a vegetable is, the more vitamin C it contains.
The older you get, the slower your hair grows.
Aspirin has never been approved by the FDA. It has never been rejected, either.
Crushed cockroaches, when applied to a stinging wound, are said to ease the pain.
Sixty-one percent of American students find school boring.
If you’re an average blinker, your eyes will be blinked shut for about 30 minutes today.
The most common name for male dogs and cats in the United States is Max.
Parisian law forbids spinning tops on sidewalks and staring at the mayor.
“”We Three Kings of Orient Are,”” which tells the Biblical story of Matthew 2:1-11, was written in 1857 by John Henry Hopkins as a Christmas present for his nieces and nephews.
Alabama’s waterways were once home to so many small reptiles that it became known as “”The Lizard State.””
The Pentagon cost $50 million to build.