Carmen Valencia
An On Deck Deli employee serves a customer on Tuesday, June 14.
The UA —more than just a learning environment, it’s filled with cool places for fellow Wildcats to make a buck. The Student Union Memorial Center serves as a popular place to work on campus, a busy and lively spot throughout the school year.
Many students here at the UA work at the student union. Employment at the student union offers an easy way to maintain a job due to the union’s location directly on campus. Inside its doors exists a multitude of businesses to find a job, including Starbucks , On Deck Deli and Cactus Grill.
A typical summer day for a SUMC employee tends to be slow and for the most part boring. During the summer, the campus has the feel of a ghost town with the exception of freshman orientation days. Due to the lack of customers, student union employees have more time to deep clean their work areas and get to know their fellow co-workers better.
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Isabellyana Dominguez, a physiology junior , has worked in the student union for two years at On Deck Deli. On a typical summer day, Dominguez said she cleans a lot and talks to her coworkers during any downtime.
“I start cleaning like a maniac, but when you’re done cleaning, that’s when [time] is like dragging and that’s when it becomes annoying,” Dominguez said. “You have more time to do things that you usually don’t in the year.”
Dominguez said freshman orientation days are the only busy days during the summer.
“It’s endless, that’s how I put it. Three hours go by and you are still going at it. We have to prepare mentally [for the long lines],” she said.
Dominguez, a student lead, feels that during the summer her responsibility decreases due to her manager constantly supervising at On Deck Deli. Managers appear out on floor less during the school year.
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“Now, in the summer, it’s like you’re not a lead at all, because your manager is always there. It’s like you’re kind of a lead but you’re not,” Dominguez said. “Everyone is learning and doing the same thing because we have so much time. At this point, everyone is doing what they can do to, to past time and make time go faster, it’s very different.”
Jordon Aguilar, a neuroscience senior,has worked in the student union for three years at the Starbucks in the UA Bookstore and can confirm the orientation fervor. Starbucks , like the rest of the student union, feels painfully slow during the summer but extremely busy on orientation days, according to Aguilar.
“Orientation day is busy all day, I worked all day and made a good amount of money. When I was on register I loved it. You meet someone new every day, especially in the summer, it’s a different experience every time,” Aguilar said. “You get to know a little bit about who is coming here and if possible you get to make their day even better. On slow days, I cleaned and watched YouTube videos.”
Student union employees will continue to clean like maniacs for the remainder of the summer and work hard on those hectic orientation days. Even on slow summer days, student union employees always strive to provide great customer service.
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