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Despite the Sun Link Tucson Modern Streetcar construction on 4th Avenue, Antigone Books is still going strong and hosting various public events. This Friday at 7 p.m., Rafe Sagarin will be giving a talk about his new book, Learning from the Octopus: How Secrets from Nature Can Help Us Fight Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters, and Disease.
3.5 billion years of plant and animal evolution have proven that nature is adaptable in the face of disaster, and Sagarin suggests that we can learn from organisms’ adaptations and partnerships, and the overall organization of our natural environment. Observing nature, he claims, can help create proactive and adaptable security systems, not just reactive ones.
Sagarin is a marine ecologist working at the UA Institute of the Environment. He does research, and is especially enraptured by the ecological history in the Sea of Cortez, better known as the Gulf of California. Sagarin says he is excited about the Public Trust Doctrines and focusing on them as an organizational tool for conservation.
He also published another book this year, Observation and Ecology: Broadening the Scope of Science to Understand a Complex World. Sagarin’s books will be for sale at Antigone.
Don’t let the construction deter you from attending — if you need help finding your way, visit Antigone’s website at www.antigonebooks.com.
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