The Associated Students of the University of Arizona, UA's undergraduate student governing body met for their first fall semester meeting Wednesday, Sept. 2.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona, the university’s undergraduate student governing body, met on Wednesday, Sept. 23 via Zoom to discuss ideas of what initiatives they want to focus on moving forward with the year and approved the 2020-2021 ASUA budget.
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ASUA Senator Calls For Focus on Sustainability
With the beginning of the year in full swing, senators have started moving forward with ideas of what initiatives they are trying to support and how to do that. Senator Jack Haskins, Senator for the College of Fine Arts spoke at great length of his intentions to strongly support, with the senate’s help, a sustainability initiative on campus.
“There’s so much I have to learn about the university’s efforts in sustainability … something that was proposed was having a sort of educational program, similar to the one we have for Title IX for incoming freshman, that would be focused on proper waste management and waste disposal, because there seems to be a really highs number of contamination in our dorms for recycling,” Haskins said about his meeting with UA’s Compost Cats, a sustainability-focused group on campus.
Haskins also spoke on his reasoning behind his support.
“Climate change is pretty important to me, I think hopefully it is important to everyone, so we need to make these changes now…,” Haskins said. “I am aware there are a lot of efforts on campus, but I do think this should be one of the university’s major goals.”
Haskins said he hopes to continue bringing more awareness and involvement to on-campus sustainability efforts in the coming year with the help of Students for Sustainability and Compost Cats, with the collaboration of other senators.
Senate Announcements
College of Education Senator Ella Wood called for ASUA senators and students alike to participate in the upcoming elections as poll workers, as Pima and other nearby counties are in desperate need of poll workers as the elections draw closer.
Senator At-Large Lady Dorothy Elli announced that the social media pages are up and running for the senate, including the Instagram page, where they will be working to update diligently during the current state of campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find informational links on their Instagram and Twitter for matters like club recognition and registering to vote.
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