Ryan Reynolds presenting on The Blind Side. At least they matched talent.
Quentin Tarantino looks like he should be on To Catch a Predator.
Does anyone else think Clash of the Titans is destined for TNT Saturday afternoon repeats for the next 20 years?
Oh hey Meryl Streep’s cleavage. Terrible to see you so early in the night.
I get the feeling that Woody Harrelson just closed the Kodak Theatre’s bar singlehanded.
T Bone Burnett and 3-6 Mafia both have Oscars. Sip on that.Oh wow. That is a troubled group of people. (On Macaulay Culkin, Judd Hirsch, and other John Hughes child stars)
Just seeing that opening clip from “”Up”” gets me all mushy. And also Dug.District 9 isn’t nominated for Best Makeup. That makes a lot of sense….on opposite day.Hey! It’s the movie nobody saw! (On “”A Serious Man””)Avatar wins cinematography but is almost all motion cap. Doesn’t that seem odd to you?My friend just reminded me that Farrah Fawcett died this year. Maybe the Academy should be told. (On the death montage)Keanu Reeves — an automaton — presenting for The Hurt Locker. Genius or insanity?Best Picture should not be a popularity contest. How well something sells — that doesn’t make it award-worthy. That’s the Grammys.When (not if) Bridges wins, can he slam a White Russian and impregnate Julianne Moore? Cuz that’d be flipping awesomeJust watching Sidibe cry when Oprah says her name is amazing. That is important. Bullock winning isn’t. You can’t disagree.Downey Jr should be televised at all times. I would watch at least 4 hours a day.I cannot wait for Mo’Nique to win an Oscar. Beerfest will be that much better.No (500) Days of Summer. You failed Academy.Taylor Lautner is at the Oscars? Why not just invite everyone in the SAG.