Letters to the editorAren’t the comic strips supposed to be funny? The Comic-Ozzy strip in the April 2 issue of the Wildcat doesn’t even attempt to be funny. I read these comics because I want to be entertained, not lectured to about Jesus. Usually you see something like this in the ad space, not in the comic strip section. Bad job Daily Wildcat, you aren’t getting paid for this one.— Peter Seid This is to protest the slanted poll displayed on Laura Donovan’s article opting for a Men’s Studies major (March 31). The third choice, (c), is simply a specious way of saying “”NO”” (with a feminist insult included). This reflects poorly on the intellectual caliber of your college.— Sivananda Saraswati Comments from dailywildcat.comOn ‘Live for today, graduate tomorrow,’ April 2 Couldn’t agree with you more Laura … enjoy your friends while you can … but remember that the friends you make now can stay with you forever. All you need do is keep in touch with them and to share your life with them as best you can.I have lived by this my whole life and my friends have enriched my life and continue to do so. Remember college is four years … it’s a long life.— Hank HelleyClass of 1971 On ‘Threats limit creativity,’ April 2The UA Creative Writing Deptartment had better hope they don’t take too drastic of an action with this. God forbid they attempt to kick a student out of their major or something. Can anyone say “”First Amendment lawsuit?”” — Joe D. While the department should not censor student work, it’s legitimate for a red flag to go up when a piece of writing advocates or imagines violence against a real person or group of people. This country has seen enough school shootings by individuals who displayed warning signs through just such media that violence or threats cannot just be ignored. I don’t think punishing the students is an appropriate measure, but it’s always important to have the safety of students and instructors as a first priority, in any classroom. Incendiary or hate speech is a gray area at best in the First Amendment. Ms. Sheehan’s and Mr. Brown’s intentions, I’m sure, are not to limit student creativity, in which they both have a vested interest. Instead, they’re just trying to protect their students. — AnonymousOn ‘Mailbag,’ April 2″”Does it really matter whether it was evolution or intelligent design? Seems to me that it’s a topic drummed up to create a pissing match.””Take a look at the current activities of the Texas State Board of Education. Imagine those people with the absolute power to determine the curriculum of every school in the U.S.Now tell us again that this is merely “”a topic drummed up to create a pissing match.”” — Galapagos PeteOn ‘Opting for a male studies major,’ March 30This is a flawed poll. One option for Yes and two options for No. The last option is a sneaky and oblique No. It’s a No with a piece of feminist propaganda attached to it. Also, you can vote over and over again on it. Just log off and log back on, then vote once more, as often as you like. It damages the credibility of your paper and the integrity of your academic institution. — Miriam Levine It should be noted that overnight March 30-31 the votes went from 75 votes on 30 to 639 on 31. My guess is some feminist Web site posted the link and their members flocked over and voted like a typical feminist would because nearly every vote that happened overnight was “”Isn’t that just called world history?”” This is highly unlikely especially considering on the 30 the votes were as followed.Should there be a Men’s Studies program at the UA?Yes 45 % (34) No 21 % (16) Isn’t that just called world history? 33 % (25)it went from 25 votes on the 30 to 571 now, again highly unlikely. — AnonymousWho designed that poll? Let me guess, the students in the Propaganda 101 class. — Carla LombardozziOn ‘UAccess vs. WebReg,’ March 31We need a graphical depiction of our classes! I used that for EVERYTHING! Please re-add that feature! Also, if we can’t find our classes on an interactive map, good luck to all the freshmen who have no idea where their classes are. Sure, we did need an upgrade in the system, but why cut features from the system that worked before? Please re-add the campus map and the graphical schedule. — Anonymous
There is a graphical view of the schedule. Just click on “”Weekly Schedule”” under your schedule on the front page. — Anonymous