Student feels persecuted because of appearance
I have been going to school since June of 2008 after many years of being out of school. I also have long hair and a beard. Since June of 2008, I have been stopped six times by the university police. Four of the times were false alarms where someone called. Two of the times were by the same officer about a week apart, while I was doing normal activities.
To me, it seems people are very paranoid today and they want to jump the gun and call 911. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was walking to the library one day and another day I was standing in front of the library waiting for it to open in about five minutes along with others.
I have been doing normal activities like everyone else and yet I have been stopped. I am a full-time student and it shouldn’t have gone this far. They know me by now, but the UAPD did not care enough to try to resolve this, when something could be done. It has ruined my UA experience and I feel very uncomfortable coming upon the property.
The Dean of Students and the Equal Opportunity Office here tried to do something, but to no avail. They tell me, along with the police department, that nothing can be done. I am being singled out, because I look different and it is because of my appearance. I have done nothing wrong. I do not believe anyone else has ever gone through this and you cannot blame me for the way I feel. There should be an effort on the part of the UAPD to resolve such matters with full-time students. Thank you.
Todd DeFranknatural resources junior