Marisa Favero
The members of ASUA come together on Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2017 in the Pima conference room at the Student Union to have their weekly meeting.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona, UA’s student government body, convened for the first time this semester in the Pima Room of the Student Union Memorial Center and voted to amend its elections code, approve club funding and discuss upcoming plans.
Elections Code
Students will be able to vote for their ASUA college senators, two vice presidents and a student body president during primary elections on March 18 and 19 and a final general election March 25 and 26.
In preparation for its upcoming elections, ASUA voted to finalize amendments to its elections code introduced by Tara Singleton, an at-large senator, last semester.
These changes require all ASUA candidates to register their social media accounts and mark all ASUA-approved campaign material to ensure election-code compliance.
RELATED: ASUA Notebook 12/5/18
Following ASUA’s previous election, a number of Senate seats remained empty, because no candidates registered to run for the position. Due to this, ASUA was forced to appoint a number of students to fill these positions.
To prevent a similar situation this year, ASUA reduced the number of signatures candidates are required to collect to run for office.
ASUA also hosted a number of information sessions last semester for students interested in running.
Additionally, ASUA approved over $500 in funding for Katie Christopher, senator for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, to host an event at Illegal Pete’s to stir up interest among students in running to replace her in the senate.
Club Funding
ASUA voted to approve over $5,000 in funding handed out by the ASUA Appropriations Board.
Some of this funding will go to support UA’s Vietnamese Student Association’s upcoming event night and also secure practice space for one of UA’s dance clubs, the Arizona Swing Cats.
Matthew Rein, ASUA’s executive vice president, also directed ASUA’s club-funding directors to ensure their club-funding application reflects UA Bookstores’ new policies on club t-shirt and polo orders.
ASUA also voted to approve funding for its own volunteer event at the Ronald McDonald House, where the senators will prepare food for families traveling long distances for children’s medical care.
Other Plans
Campus Closet, located in the Career Services office, will have its first distribution day on Feb. 25. Christopher encouraged senators to spread the word about the 12 clothing donation boxes placed around campus.
RELATED: ASUA Notebook 11/28/2018
ASUA is also seeking student input and ideas for improving campus safety, general education courses and Title IX in order to inform their discussions with administration throughout the semester.
ASUA also discussed a potential ban on electric skateboards in Tucson, the club fair on Jan. 31 and marketing SafeRide’s new wheelchair-accessible vehicle.
Check the Daily Wildcat next week for more coverage of ASUA.
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