Still from the release trailer for “Girls” season 5.
“Girls” fans: the long, agonizing wait is almost over. Season 5of HBO’s popular show returns to the screens everywhere on Feb. 21.
Co-creator and star Lena Dunham is for real when it comes to teasers and promoting her show. The first teaser of the new season was a video of Dunham as her character Hannah Horvath at a multi-age dance class, getting her freaking groove on and then being interrupted by her strict, but hilarious mother. This empowering teaser gave eager fans literally no direction, except to assume that Hannah is getting her life back on track after last season’s bittersweet ending.
Since then, HBO has put out an official trailer for the fifth season and an episode synopsis that gives the fans of the show something to expect. The trailer is filled with our favorite returning stars Marnie and Jessa’s antics, witty and inspirational comments by narcissistic Hannah,, Shoshanna’s move to Japan, and a wedding — Marnie’s wedding, to be specific. We know that last season’s finale was filled with cliffhangers that made us cry or scream “what the FRICK,” but it seems all will be redeemed (hopefully) because of these teasers.
HBO oh-so-kindly gave us an excited episode synopsis just in case you couldn’t wait.
“Episode #43 (season 5, episode 1): “Wedding Day”
DEBUT: Feb. 21 (10 p.m. EST)
The HBO synopsis reads, “Marnie micromanages her upstate wedding to Desi while trying to maintain the facade of the breezy bride, and tasks Shoshanna with kicking out Fran, Hannah’s date, so the girls can get ready. Banished to the boys’ den, Fran has an awkward moment with Adam. A dejected Ray steps in to help Desi with his wedding day jitters.”
Seem like your typical “Girls” episode? I think so. This episode spells a-w-k-w-a-r-d, and at this point, it better be. Hannah and her way of life, relationships, etc. is the definition of awkward, which is so entertaining to watch because you can either say “she is so me” or “I am so glad I am not her.”
So grab a drink — or two — and sit down with your friends or by yourself in the abyss of your sad and angsty dorm room on Feb. 21 to laugh along with Hannah and the girls, when “Girls” returns to HBO.
Follow Mariel Bustamante on Twitter.