(Illustration by Pascal Albright)
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona, the university’s undergraduate student governing body, met on Wednesday, Jan. 21, over Zoom for their first meeting of the semester to discuss their upcoming plans for this spring and brainstorm ideas to engage with all students this semester.
Planning for the semester
The Senators continued discussion of moving forward with their work in diversity, equity and inclusion by continuing to speak to their colleges and also within the larger university picture. They will be continuing meetings about this with various university faculty members this week; updates will continue to come with this as more things are set in place.
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The Senators also talked extensively about their ideas in how they want to engage with students this coming semester. This will look to include providing mental health, advising and admissions and club resources for students through social media, open houses, etc. An open house for students focused on admissions and advising is tentatively scheduled for late February.
Proposal to remove Senate Whip
Anisa Hermosillo, senator for the College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture proposed the removal of the language of “Senate Whip” from the ASUA bylaws. The language being removed would be from Article I, Section 4 of the bylaws. Executive Vice President Noah Vega noted that the past classes have tried to remove the Senate Whip language for years, so it is a good time to do this.
“It is no longer needed and redundant in a lot of the language used to describe the other positions in ASUA Senate,” Hermosillo said in an email.
The bylaws also require that two-thirds of the Senate vote to remove, which will most likely be voted on next week.
Elections dates
The ASUA elections will be held at the end of March 2021. The primary election will be held March 16-17, and the general election will take place March 30-31. Anyone interested in running can visit the ASUA website, Twitter or Instagram page for updates and more information.
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