Mary Ann Vagnerova
What Would Wilma Do? is an advice column run by the Opinions Desk at the Daily Wildcat.
Dear Wilma,
I’m from the East Coast and am kind of dying in the heat right now. Do you have a recommendation for how to deal with the heat?
A Sweaty Student
When I first came to the University of Arizona, I described the heat as a word I was fond of using in middle school – one that ended in double-hockey sticks. And though I wouldn’t consider myself a heat expert (far from it), I have developed some tactics to make the heat a bit more bearable. So, for all you Northeasterners, Midwesterners and other ‘erners coming to the UA, here are some tried and true tips for dealing with heat from someone who breaks a sweat in 70-degree weather.
*Editor’s Note: All tips should not be taken as medical advice as they are from a college student with absolutely zero medical experience. If you feel you are suffering from heat-related problems, please, do not read the Daily Wildcat and seek medical attention instead.
Tell yourself it’s a dry heat.
Of all the advice I could give, this is the most important. And if you live in a climate where the humidity drenches you each time you step foot outside your door, this is especially poignant. Heat, at its core, is a mind game. And dealing with it should be treated as such.
If you – walking to your car with the latest T-shirt from Target sticking to your back – admit to the world that it’s humid, the heat wins. Mental strength means telling yourself and everyone you know that “well, it’s a dry heat, so it’s not so bad.” Say it like a mantra; sing it to the sky. A dry heat blocks the sweat glands and tricks you into thinking it’s not as bad as it is.
The best thing to cook is nothing that requires an oven.
In warm weather, one of the worst things you can do is cook a hot meal. I learned this the hard way when my AC broke while cooking a pork chop. One burnt piece of pork and three fire alarms later, I decided to become a vegetarian. But I also vowed to never again cook something hot for myself in 100-plus degree weather.
Instead, when temperatures soar, I migrate towards a delicious gazpacho, sandwich or salad. These meals are much better than more traditional hot dinners because you (hopefully) won’t be sweating while you’re eating them. An added bonus is getting to brag that you can make a dish as neat as gazpacho (which is just a fancy way of saying cold soup).
Living in extreme heat is tough whether you were born and raised in Tucson or consider yourself a transplant to the city. You may not be able to eliminate the heat entirely, but learning how to deal with it will be well worth it for both your body and your sanity.
“What would Wilma do?” is a biweekly advice column at the Daily Wildcat ran by Opinions Editor Sophie Applin, where advice-seekers can remain anonymous. Need some advice? Have a friend who needs it more? Send your letter to opinions@dailywildcat.com!
Follow Sophie Applin on Twitter.

Sophie Applin is the Opinions Editor for the Daily Wildcat. She enjoys reading, writing and having strong opinions.