Shot by local photographer and longtime Tucson resident Dean Kelly, this overhead, unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) image shows the entirety of the University of Arizona campus. Purchase a print of this image or others of the UA campus, downtown Tucson and more at SkyPodImages.com.
The Daily Wildcat’s 2017 Campus Guide is full of stories to help incoming students get familiar with the Tucson and UA communities, or to remind other Wildcats and locals of all there is to experience.
InvolvementDiscover the communities of the UA cultural centersLETTER: Our Wildcat journey together starts nowOPINION: College culture impacts who we are as peopleA year of student science competitionsNew VETS Center program helps veterans adapt to life in academiaRenovations at Martin Luther King Jr. Building give students sense of homeHonors College envisions future potentialStudent HacksNavigating healthy food on campusAdvice for navigating the road to living off-campusEight great places to sit down and hit the booksOPINION: Freshmen do’s and don’tsWhat high school doesn’t prepare you forNew locker rooms at Student Recreation Center provide students more privacyYour Tucson What makes Tucson a great science city?Head to Head: We all have to live somewhereConcert venues highlight the city’s music scene Clothing stores showcase Tucson’s style, culture and flairTucson metro and downtown are home to unique local businessesSportsKeep an eye out for these players on campusDave Rubio sets up volleyball for another seasonAnalysis: Will it be a football revival or a fight for survival in Tucson?Arizona’s proud basketball tradition