Mary Ann Vagnerova
What Would Wilma Do? is an advice column run by the Opinions Desk at the Daily Wildcat.
Dear Wilma,
I’m an incoming freshman this fall and I’m nervous about how to get involved on campus. I was kind of a loner in high school and am worried that I will be at [the UA], too. Any advice?
Want to be involved
Hey Want to be involved,
Congrats on being the first to write to What Would Wilma Do? I’m happy to help!
I’m pretty sure (actually completely positive) that you are not the only incoming freshman freaking about the fact that August — and possible impending friendlessness — is around the corner. If I’m being honest, I’m a bit of a loner too. I certainly enjoy social interaction, but my battery is pretty much dead after an hour spent sipping an oat milk latte (with caramel flavoring) alongside a friend. If you truly are a loner and are worried about finding friends, I have good news for you: introverts pretty much only like other introverts. We stick to each other like glue, or how your shirt sticks to you in the Tucson heat. So, I would bet a hundred dollars that if you don’t find an introverted friend, they will find you. One of my favorite moments from college was when a girl from my religious history class saw me reading “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.” It was love at first sight, and we’ve been friends ever since.
If you’re not actually a loner and do want to have hundreds of friends (à la Greek Life), you can certainly find that at the UA. But don’t just join anything and everything. I’d advise you to vet any potential organization you may join with careful consideration. You might want to start looking for clubs and organizations on the university’s Student Life page. Go full stalker mode on this one. Scroll through social media profiles and news articles about the club. Do they require community service? Will you have to make cold calls for money? Pose on Instagram for sponsored content? Break into a graveyard at an ungodly hour and get wasted on top of a tombstone?
I rest my case.
Joining as many as you can your first year is great — but just make sure you’re joining organizations that actually align with your values and what you’re looking for. I made the mistake of joining one too many clubs expecting something different from what they actually were and ended up being indoctrinated into a cult (for legal reasons, I’m kidding).
If you stick to what you really want and follow that, you’ll be sure to join the right type of organization and meet the right type of people perfect for you — even if that is in a cult (but hopefully not).
“What would Wilma do?” is a biweekly advice column at the Daily Wildcat ran by Opinions Editor Sophie Applin, where advice-seekers can remain anonymous. Need some advice? Have a friend who needs it more? Send your letter to opinions@dailywildcat.com!
Follow Sophie Applin on Twitter.

Sophie Applin is the Opinions Editor for the Daily Wildcat. She enjoys reading, writing and having strong opinions.