Sub Pop Records
Run the Jewels 2 — Run The Jewels — Oct. 24, 2014
Not for the faint of heart. Run the Jewels 2 puts on a masterclass of low down and dirty rap. A collaboration between prominent rappers Killer Mike and El-P, Run the Jewels surpassed its excellent debut Run The Jewels with Run the Jewels 2. As the unimaginative titles would suggest, the records had no time for subtlety, because this powerhouse duo is all about straight business. “Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck)” epitomizes the audio assault thumping on the rap record of 2014.
Also Check Out:
“Blockbuster Night Part 1”“Oh My Darling Don’t Cry”
1989 — Taylor Swift — Oct. 27, 2014
When Taylor Swift drops a new record, the masses rejoice and the haters hate. Swift dropped the lead single “Shake It Off” (which most have heard at least 100 times upon conservative estimate) focusing on the total disregard for her naysayers. The former country girl continues to make an assault on the pop princess throne with favorites “Blank Space” and “Style.” Let’s be real here, the cover of 1989 involves the ’80s and a polaroid picture, and in 2015, that’s a recipe for cool (for better or worse).
Also Check Out:
“Welcome to New York”“Out of the Woods”
I Love You, Honeybear — Father John Misty — Feb. 10, 2015
A music list without love songs is never complete. I Love You, Honeybear tells the tale of Father John Misty and the love of his life. Lyrics such as “So bourgeoisie to keep waiting / Dating for 20 years just feels pretty civilian. … What are you doing with your whole life? How about forever?” highlight the cynical humor and unabashed love filling I Love You, Honeybear. When it’s the real thing, the cliches no longer seem cheesy, just true. Listening to Father John Misty fall in love provides one of the most humorous and interesting listens of the last year.
Also Check out:
“Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins)”“The Night Josh Tillman Came to Our Apt.”
To Pimp a Butterfly — Kendrick Lamar — March 15, 2015
Echoing the intro of the lead single “i”, To Pimp a Butterfly is a world premiere. After the critical acclaim of Good Kid, M.A.A.D City, Kendrick Lamar somehow managed to exceed the sky-high expectations with To Pimp A Butterfly; the album currently sits as the fourth-highest rated album of all time on ratings-aggregate giant MetaCritic. Lamar’s magnum opus follows the battle of the caterpillar and butterfly. The internal struggle of Lamar solidifies itself in every song, and the thematic through-line of self love versus self hate comes alive in “U” and “i”. Just 27, Kendrick has already ascended to the throne of West Coast rap, evidenced by the catchy proclamation song “King Kunta”.
Also Check out:
“To Pimp A Butterfly” from beginning to end
Carrie & Lowell — Sufjan Stevens — March 31, 2015
After the insanity of Age of Adz and eccentric side projects, including a collaborative, experimental hip-hop record under the name S/S/S and classical composition album Planetarium focusing on the solar system, Sufjan Stevens surprised many with his return to folk roots. The album deals with the passing of Stevens’ estranged mother, and Carrie & Lowell strikes a nerve with raw human emotion and pain. In “No Shade In the Shadow of the Cross,” recorded on an iPhone with a whirring A/C audible in the background, Sufjan sings the atmosphere of the album bluntly: “Fuck me, I’m falling apart.”
Also Check Out:
“The Only Thing”“Eugene”“Fourth of July”
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