Everyone in the Middle Ages believed – as Aristotle had – that the heart was the seat of intelligence.
Only 4.7 percent of the United States is designated wilderness.
Florence, Italy, was the first city in Europe to have all of its streets paved.
The average person sheds about 40 pounds of dead skin in their lifetime.
Two years before his historic first flight, Wilbur Wright told friends, “”man won’t fly for 50 years.””
If your vehicle is over 42 feet long, you cannot drive it on U.S. public roads.
The E. coli bacteria has only one pair of chromosomes.
In 1924, a new Ford cost $265.
Tombstones were originally put over graves so the dead couldn’t escape.
About 90 percent of time capsules are never recovered.
The state capital of Texas has been moved 15 times.
Ancient Romans paid their taxes with honey.
The average caloric requirement for exisiting is between 1,000 and 1,500 per day.
A misodoctakleidist is someone who hates practicing the piano.
At last count, Minnesota had 99 lakes named Mud Lake.