Campus EventsTunnel of Oppression. The Tunnel of Opression is an emotionally charged multimedia experience that challenges ideas and perceptions of issues dealing with oppression. 6 p.m. Free. Kaibab-Huachuca Residence Hall
Brown bag. The School of Information Resources and Library Science Research Brown Bag presents a talk by Celeste Gonzalez de Bustamante, “”Onion Skin and Oxygen: Access and Research at the Televisa Script and Video Archive in Mexico City.”” Noon. SIRLS building, Multipurpose Room
Pizza with a Professional. Looking for career ideas? Enjoy free pizza and soda while listening to a panel of professionals and faculty who work in the entertainment field. Noon. Student Union Memorial Center, Ventana Room
Lecture. The Africana Studies Lecture Series Fall 2006 presents Julian Kunnie, who will present “”Globalization, Ecocide and the Continued Genocide of Indigenous Peoples.”” Noon. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, Room S338
Group fitness party. Get motivated! Campus Recreation is hosting the Group Fitness Party where you can sample a variety of group fitness classes including cardio kickboxing, cardio express, yoga, NIA and muscle pump. 5 p.m. Student Recreation Center
Speaker. The Law, Criminal Justice and Security Program Speaker Series presents Judge Mary Helen Maley, who will speak about her program “”Constructing Circles of Peace.”” This program uses peacemaking circles as a method of treating domestic violence offenders, victims and families. 12:30 p.m. James E. Rogers College of Law building, Room 146
BRAVO! Datablitz. BRAVO! Students will present the research they performed in Australia. Mohammed Abdelwahab will speak on “”Neural Circuits Producing Pelvic Vasodilation.”” Mikhal Gold will speak on “”Vitamin E Analogs and Angiogenesis: Effects on the Expression of Angiogenic Mediators in Tumor Cells and Endothelial Cells.”” 4 p.m. Life Sciences South building, Room 340EntertainmentPumpkin carving. Get your gourd ready for Halloween. The first 20 students or teams will get a free pumpkin. Free. 6 p.m. Park Student Union, Dining Room
Arizona Wind Quintet. The UA School of Music presents the Arizona Wind Quintet, a faculty ensemble. Tonight’s concert, which is free and open to the public, will focus on the music of contemporary composers. 7 p.m. Music building, Holsclaw Hall
UA Studio Jazz Ensemble. The UA Studio Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Jeff Haskell, will be performing. Guest artists Dmitri Matheny and vocalist Katherine Byrnes will perform with the ensemble. 7:30 p.m. $5 student, $7 UA employee, $9 general. Music building, Crowder Hall
Free screening. Come see a free screening of “”Ghostbusters””! 7:30 p.m. SUMC, Gallagher Theater