The law cannot be made identical with morality. Scan the list of the Ten Commandments and see how many could be enforced even by Rudy Giuliani. Our impeachment of President Clinton was another example of placing the wrong political emphasis on personal matters. We impeached Clinton for lying to the government. To our surprise the electorate gave us cold comfort. Lying to the government: It’s called April 15.””- P. J. O’Rourke, “”We Blew It.”” The Weekly Standard, Nov. 8, 2008
“”The American people need help. The economy is in bad shape.”” – President-elect Barack Obama at his first post-election press conference, Nov. 7, 2008
“”In public life, you dream of the day they’ll name a hospital after you, or a bridge or a post office. If I had a post office named after me today, they’d probably return to sender.”” -ÿMark Foley, former congressman who resigned in 2006 after admitting to sending inappropriate computer messages to teenagers, Nov. 12, 2008
“”This deluded and delusional woman still doesn’t understand what happened to her; still has no self-awareness; and has never been forced to accept her obvious limitations. She cannot keep even the most trivial story straight; she repeats untruths with a ferocity and calm that is reserved only to the clinically unhinged; she has the educational level of a high school drop-out; and regards ignorance as some kind of achievement. It is excruciating to watch her – but more excruciating to watch those who feel obliged to defend her. Her candidacy, in short, was indefensible. It remains indefensible.”” – Andrew Sullivan, “”Why Palin Still Matters,”” Nov. 12, 2008
“”The Republican Congress never once stood up against the Bush-Rove machine that demanded support for unconstitutional wars, attacks on civil liberties here at home and an economic policy based on more spending, more debt and more inflation – while constantly preaching the flawed doctrine that deficits don’t matter as long as taxes aren’t raised.””- Former presidential candidate Ron Paul, CNN, Nov. 12, 2008
“”In a bizarre way, it was almost a positive. With the players, it was like, ‘I get it now. He walked away because he had to.'””- Russ Pennell on the news that Lute Olson suffered a stroke in the last year, USA Today, Nov. 10, 2008
“”Politicians are not only permitted, but actually encouraged, even required, to scorn the Left. There’s even an adoring term for that (‘Sister Soljauh’) which is almost unanimously considered a truly shrewd and honorable thing to do. By stark contrast, merely replacing someone in the position of a deeply influential Chairmanship who has strayed way too far to the Right and turned himself into a leading advocate for the most wretched policies is considered horribly divisive.””- Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com, Nov. 12, 2008
“”…Tuesday night, as some 200,000 Chicagoans gathered around a brightly lighted stage under the gaze of the world’s news media, I headed to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, expecting to find a crowd and some news. Instead, I found 25 or so people who had made their way in the dark to the marble steps of the memorial and stood silently around a lone transistor radio. On the spot where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “”I Have a Dream”” speech, they listened, some crying in the drizzle, as Barack Obama began his address before the Grant Park multitude. … Surely there was someone else around – a videographer, a print reporter. But there wasn’t. The crowd standing in the shadow of Lincoln had the scoop, a profound event to themselves, of the people and by the people.”” – Matt Mendelsohn, New York Times, Nov. 5, 2008