On “”If I can make it there: An unlikely journey to New York City,”” Feb. 17
I read this article a few hours ago, in the ol’ paper version. I have to say, Mr. Specktor, you have a brilliant style; in your writing and in your methods. Your story isn’t just some run-of-the-mill, voiceless review. You gave perspective on the actors, the producers, the film, New York and what it is like for a new journalist to be included in events such as these. As a new journalism student, I applaud you. I am sure you will have a number of equally interesting experiences, followed by great stories. God speed, Brandon Specktor
Gregory Gonzales
On “”Brother Jed’s family speaks out,”” Feb. 17
OK so the wife is wearing a shirt that says “”You Deserve Hell”” and they wonder why students don’t do anything more than laugh at them. I have heard him spewing hateful remarks. Sounds like they are VERY judgmental and I would have to say a bit brainwashed as well.
UA Staff Member
I’m going to laugh if she graduates, goes to school, and sins just like every other college kid.
On “”Allegations against Israel blind, ignorant,”” Feb. 17
I commend Mr. Jacobs and the Daily Wildcat on finally publishing a legitimate article about Israel. It is nice to see an article with true facts and research to back up the writing. Mr. Jacobs hits the issue right on the nose and I feel we definitely need more students to stand up to the hatred and false claims many people feel towards Israel. Being a sovereign democratic nation in the Middle East, Israel has been able to successfully persevere through all of the turmoil and false accusations. Israel has been able to thrive while even creating a safe haven for not only Jews but others who have been persecuted throughout the years, including refugees from many African countries as well as many Arabs. For those who say Israel is an apartheid state, are completely and utterly wrong! For example, in South Africa, Blacks had no right to vote. In Israel, Arab citizens have a vote and a voice. You tell me, is this an apartheid? I don’t think so. The DW should continue to publish articles just like this because this one is true and not filled with biased false claims, unlike some of the previous writings published in the DW.
Hank M. Beautifully written. Journalism with supporting facts and reseach? I’m beginning to respect the Wildcat more and more, at least the guest columnists. Great article Mr. Jacobs. Well done, and thank you.
Angie C.
On “”The tragedy of exploitation,”” Feb. 17
1. No backgound check was performed on Amy Bishop because she did not purchase the weapon. She borrowed it.
2. If the rules worked, then the shooting would not have occurred. The shooting occurred because Amy Bishop broke the law, and decided to kill three of her colleagues. Nothing would have stopped her if she had wanted to kill more people. Everyone else was unarmed because they were following the rules.
3. Amy Bishop didn’t just “”snap.”” It’s clear from her record that she had a long history which no one seemed willing to acknowledge. She had a chronically short temper, and went to extreme measures over minor nuisances. She shot her brother after an argument. She sought to create a local noise ordinance, and took a neighbor to court over a barking dog. She was implicated in a pipe-bombing incident, but questionably cleared. This shooting wasn’t an anomaly as you would like to present it.
4. No one is arguing that allowing concealed weapons is a “”fail-safe”” to protect an entire campus. However, allowing people to carry legal weapons would at least give them a fighting chance if some incident occurs. It also discourages criminals since they are no longer guaranteed defenseless targets. Furthermore, your suggestion that people who want to carry legal, concealed weapons are acting only out of fear and paranoia defies reality. Do you wear a seat belt in the car? If so, by your argument, you are assuming that you will crash every time you drive anywhere. In reality, you don’t expect to crash, but you are restrained in the event that an accident occurs. People who carry weapons legally don’t expect to have to use them, but it’s there if they need it, like a seat belt, a last resort in the event of a potential tragedy.
Erik S.