‘Juice’ no longer on the looseWhether you want to call it karma or good, clean American justice, O.J. Simpson finally paid for his sins when the former football all-star and “”Naked Gun”” actor was found guilty on 12 charges, including armed robbery and kidnapping in a Las Vegas court on Friday. Although Simpson was acquitted in 1995 of murdering ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, he was found liable for their deaths two years later in a civil court, having to pay the families $33.5 million, according to The Los Angeles Times. The article mentioned that the Goldman family has been relentless in trying to fiscally fillet Simpson, who will be sentenced in December and faces a minimum of 15 years in prison. Now there’s got to be some loophole to get “”If I Did It: The Movie”” out.- Matt Wavrin is a media arts senior.
Palin should read the ConstitutionDuring the vice presidential debate Thursday, Gov. Sarah Palin said that she agreed with Dick Cheney’s idea of “”flexibility”” in the role of the vice president and the possibility that the position is not bound to the limitations of the executive branch. Apart from what the running mate of the team of self-declared mavericks would say, the vice president is concretely part of the executive branch, as defined in the Constitution in Article II. The only time the vice president has duties outside of said branch is when he or she presides over the Senate without any ability to vote. The Constitution neither gives nor grants permission for the vice president to take any more control than given, and if Palin chooses to follow in the footsteps of Cheney and be a maverick with the Constitution as well, it is possible that she might want to look over Article II, Section 4: Disqualification.- Jessica Fraser is a freshman majoring in political science and journalism.
Obama not only candidate with questionable friendsIt’s no surprise that Sen. John McCain has decided to make Sen. Barack Obama’s tenuous connection to former Weatherman Bill Ayers a major issue. Though the connection is slight, it’s nonetheless embarrassing. But as the Chicago Tribune’s Steve Chapman noted back in May, McCain has an equally questionable relationship with G. Gordon Liddy, one of Richard Nixon’s old henchmen. Last year, McCain went on Liddy’s radio show and praised his “”continued … adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great.”” Excuse me? Liddy was one of the masterminds behind the 1972 Watergate break-in – you know, the one that resulted in a president resigning. What “”philosophy”” motivated him when he did that? Liddy also suggested firebombing the headquarters of the nonprofit Brookings Institution and stealing documents that might embarrass the Nixon administration – in other words, he advocated terrorism. Liddy is a foul piece of work by any standards. The fact that McCain considers him a man of any “”values”” whatsoever should give anyone pause about voting for him. -ÿJustyn Dillingham is the opinions editor of the Daily Wildcat.
‘Choose life’ license plates lawful but still absurdThe Supreme Court opened its new term this week, and already it’s causing a stir and making headlines. The Supreme Court declined to take the case of the “”Choose life”” license plates, leaving intact an appeals court ruling in favor of the Arizona Life Coalition. The anti-abortion group has sought to issue these special plates in Arizona for six years, and now we will soon have the pleasure of staring at these eyesores while stuck in typical Tucson traffic. Currently, there are some worthwhile special license plates that target legitimate issues, such as child abuse prevention, organ donation and cancer awareness, but these “”Choose life”” plates are absurd. Abortion is a personal choice, perfectly legal too, so if you want an abortion, get one. If not, however, then “”Choose life,”” but leave me out of it since it’s a choice I’ll never have to make. Simply put, hot-button issues are better left off your car’s license plate. Don’t preach from your bumper. In Tucson traffic, I’m in no mood for it. – Justin Huggins is a senior majoring in ecology and evolutionary biology.