Residence Life
Promotional poster for Pime Royale Masquerade Ball on Friday, April 29.
With the semester winding down, it is time to panic as you frantically realize this is the last full week of classes, and finals are just two weeks away. Escape all of the stress the end of the semester brings with the Pima Royale Masquerade Ball this Friday at Pima Residence Hall from 7–11 p.m.
READ: UA National Society of Collegiate Scholars to host third annual Masquerade Ball
“It’s a mixture of a dance with the typical masks and dressing up … and a bunch of casino games,” said Jordan Bosch, a representative of the Pima Hall Council and a psychology junior.
The ball will feature everything from a hyped DJ, free food for meat-eaters and nonmeat-eaters alike — along with gluten-free options — exciting games such as blackjack, Texas Hold ‘em and roulette, and even a photo booth to document your exciting Friday night.
And with casino games comes a casino vibe.
“We’re going to have chips,” Bosch said, “so you get more of the casino feel.”
Fret not, college students, because the chips are solely for the act, and do not need to be traded for actual precious monies. So now you can get the gist of what it feels like to lose all of your chips before you venture up to Las Vegas.
Formal dress is encouraged, but definitely not required. “We want to cater to everyone,” Bosch said, explaining that dressing up is just another aspect of the fun, but is not a requirement to enter the lodge. But don’t get jealous if you see people wearing some elegant gowns and fine pressed tuxes, and if you can keep your mask on the entire time in true masquerade fashion, then good for you.
Despite taking place in Pima, the Pima Royale Masquerade Ball was planned by a collection of students and community directors.
“We’re partnering with Babcock [Residence Hall], Rawles[/Eller Lodge] and Pima and their hall councils,” Bosch said. “I’m glad that we’ve gotten to team up with another hall council.”
In true hall council fashion, there is more to the ball than meets the eye. Who said that saving the environment by promoting recycling, reducing water usage and other environmental friendly initiatives couldn’t be fun?
“We’re trying to focus on sustainability too,” Bosch said.
“It’s been planned for months in advance,” she said. “I’m looking forward to how the final product really comes together.”
Check out the Pima Royale Masquerade Ball’s Facebook page for more information on how to RSVP.
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