Mike Christy
Mike Christy / Arizona Daily Wildcat University Medical Center, the only level 1 trauma center in Tucson, was ranked number one in Tucson for hospitals in the metro area by a recent U.S. News and World Report. UMC received those wounded in the January 8, 2011 attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
University Medical Center has been ranked number one in Tucson for best hospitals in the metro area.
U.S. News and World Report made rankings that recognize 622 high-performance hospitals in or near major cities, according to a press release on March 29. There are almost 5,000 hospitals nationwide.
“”Tucson is blessed,”” said Kevin Burns, the CEO at UMC. “”We have a great health care system here. We have a number of excellent providers.””
At this time, U.S. News and World Report is not submitting the details of the 12 specialties that were looked at for the rankings, Burns said.
“”Typically what they’re looking at is reputational quality,”” he said. “”They look to see which hospitals have a certain number of specialties that are very highly rated compared to their cares around the community and around the country.””
Burns said he thinks part of the reason UMC was ranked number one is because of the hospital’s number of highly rated specialties. UMC is the number-one trauma center in all of southern Arizona, he said.
“”I was very excited to see the recognition and positive reflection on the great team we have here,”” Burns said.
UMC has an academic element which incorporates teaching, research and working closely with the colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy and Medicine at the UA. There are about 350 residents being taught to become doctors between the UA and University Physicians Hospital at Kino, Burns said.
U.S. News and World Report probably also looks at the quality of outcomes information, such as mortality rates, he said.
“”I think we have a really good team of nurses, doctors and staff. They’re very focused on providing the highest quality care,”” Burns said. “”Quality is always out in the forefront for us when we think of the strategies for organizational excellence.””
The patients are always a primary concern and there are some services that UMC provides that are not offered at other hospitals in the area, he said. For example, UMC offers comprehensive transplant services.
“”We have really strong doctors throughout the hospital by reputation,”” Burns said.
“”We have a comprehensive system to provide health care here, and I think that’s part of what makes us so special.””