Wild turkeys can run 30 mph and fly at speeds up to 55 mph.
When the movie “”The Wizard of Oz”” came out, it got bad reviews. The critics said it was stupid and uncreative.
Bears don’t hibernate in caves. They prefer hollow stumps or logs.
More collect calls are made on Father’s Day than on any other day of the year.
Play-Doh was used as a wallpaper cleaner before it became a toy.
Colonial governor John Winthrop introduced the table fork to America in 1620.
It’s possible to sneeze so hard you break your ribs.
In 1992, 2,421 people checked into U.S. emergency rooms with injuries involving house plants.
More than 50 percent of Americans get out of bed before 7 a.m.
Superglue is so strong that a single square-inch bond can lift a ton of weight.
The famous mime Marcel Marceau’s greatest-hits album consisted of 40 minutes of silence, followed by applause.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door … for the convenience of his cats.
The bite of a king cobra can kill a full-grown elephant in less than three hours.
In England in 1558, beards were taxed according to their length.
Americans, on average, stand about 14 inches apart when they converse. Russians stand about 10 inches apart.