The University of Arizona needs to educate its students about the importance of Proposition 100. If Proposition 100 fails to pass, an additional $42 million will be cut from UA’s budget. This will cause drastic changes to our education and may raise tuition even higher. Given the importance of Proposition 100, UA should encourage students to vote yes. However, there has barely been any effort to do so. Many students haven’t heard of Proposition 100 or don’t recognize the importance of the bill. There should at least be a booth on the mall educating Arizona voters on Proposition 100. We must put forth a greater effort at promoting Proposition 100 in order to avoid additional cuts to our university.— Christopher JonesBusiness freshmanThe magical spell placed on the UA campus by the fairy godmother is nothing but a curse. As I cross the campus, I notice a consistent and horrifying trend: People are getting larger and larger — and I’m certainly not discounting myself as a victim. Ahhh … The freshmen 15 strikes again. Perhaps it isn’t simply targeting freshmen, but rather the entire college clique. I mean, who could resist that mouth-watering breakfast burrito and those sizzling quesadillas? This midnight binge-eating, however, only seems to have alternative, detrimental effects. Studying is, of course, important, but people should consider sparing some time to consume healthier foods and exercise at least three times a week. Generally, the people I see repeatedly using the (Student Recreation Center) are those who are already well in shape. However, the majority isn’t utilizing these resources. Crawl out that hole, buy some nutritious foods, and then come on over to the Rec! I mean, we might as well put our money to good use since our tuition is increasing partially because of the Rec Center’s new renovations.— Monica XiongPsychology and physiology undergraduateIn reaction to ‘Arizona screws the pooch on immigration bill,’ April 23
I’m a student here at the UA, and I wanted to thank you for your column in the Wildcat today. Kick-ass stuff. Anything to expose the utter ridiculousness of the whole situation. I certainly think that part of what in the future is going to help in countering the new legislation is highlighting its at once comical and sad absurdity. Sometimes the best way to reveal to people the inner contradiction inherent in their way of thinking and of doing things is through scathing, satirical humor. So keep fightin’ sister. That’s all — haha!— Matt CampbellIn response to Ms. Leavitt’s “”Arizona screws the pooch on immigration bill”” from the April 23rd Wildcat, I would like to point out the hypocrisy of the article. Economic issues aside, the stance being taken is that racial profiling will effectively become legal, which is morally wrong and flat out unethical; I could not agree more with this, and is the reason I’m honestly not a supporter of this legislation. However, this bill is a response to people who are breaking the law and ignoring our country’s sovereignty. Leavitt summed up the bill to read “”Screw you,”” but isn’t that what illegals effectively say to Arizona and the U.S. when they ignore our immigration laws: free-ride, reaping the benefits of public education and emergency health services without paying taxes for them, steal identities for employment purposes, and so forth? It is blatantly hypocritical to point out the moral failures of one party (in this case the state) while at the same time illustrating those just as morally deficient as victims (such as the restaurant owner). Illegal immigrants know the potential consequences of crossing the border, and when their actions come around to bite them, despite my ability to empathize, I feel they hardly have the right to complain. I will acknowledge that I am generalizing a description of illegal immigrants and that many are actually “”good, clean, hardworking people who just want to earn a living,”” but is that seriously a valid excuse? I’m a good, clean, hardworking person, so does that mean I can break federal and state laws, cry “”woe is me”” when caught, and then expect to be shown leniency? I sure hope not. We spend a lot of time criticizing our State’s attempt to remedy the issue of immigration, and in this case it is rightfully so; While I hate to invoke the cliché “”two wrongs don’t make a right,”” it is definitely appropriate in this situation. That being said, if one is going to disparagingly critique a solution, please don’t excuse those inherently responsible for the problem.— Carl MillerHistory and psychology senior