Issue of the semester
From a new UA president to a new secretary of defense to a new party in power on Capitol Hill, it’s been a crazy semester. We asked our columnists what they thought was the major issue of the semester. Here’s what they came up with:
David FrancisBoth locally and nationwide, one issue that has and will continue to weigh heavily on students’ minds is the possibility that a college education may soon be out of reach for many young people. As tuition and other costs soar, responsible persons should do everything in their power to ensure that the university system as a whole doesn’t revert to the exclusivity it was known for in generations past. As the cost of obtaining a degree climbs, opportunity vanishes for many students – and equality of opportunity is a cornerstone of a just society.
Though students were just recently informed of yet another tuition increase, there’s always hope that next year the powers-to-be will give us a break.
– David Francis is a pre-business sophomore.
Matt StoneNothing has been more important this semester than the performance of President Robert Shelton. With any new president, there are question marks, and during a semester of conscientiously building bridges, Shelton demonstrated a knack for making tough (but necessary) decisions. His budget cuts and tuition proposals may have caused some disgruntlement, but they were far-sighted. Nevertheless, if Shelton really wants to transform UA into a world-class institution, more needs to be done in the months ahead: an increase in professor salaries, tighter acceptance criteria for undergraduate applicants, more money toward merit-based scholarships, more collaboration between departments and so on. How well Shelton prioritizes will be the story in semesters ahead.
– Matt Stone is a senior majoring in international studies and economics.
Stan MoleverThe most important thing that happened this semester was, without a doubt, the appearance of Richard Dawkins on “”South Park”” to refute the steadfast and unwavering religious faith of Mrs. Garrison. No single scene in American media was thoroughly as entertaining as the recently converted Garrison explaining the evolution of a retarded fish-frog having butt-sex with a squirrel-monkey. Thank you Trey Parker and Matt Stone – you continue to fill the absence of good comedy left in the wake of the tragic end of “”Arrested Development.”” The American people owe you a debt of gratitude.
– Stan Molever is a philosophy senior.
Jon RichesThe midterm elections were a routing. The GOP had it handed to them, and all the Dems had to do was sit back and watch the party implode. But, the election was not a referendum – it did not signal some new ideological realignment in the U.S. Republicans lost because they strayed from their limited government values, spent like Democrats and focused on flag burning and gay marriage when they should have focused on governing. The election is over and it’s time to move on. The Dems need to learn to govern, and the GOP needs to get back to the basics.
– Jon Riches is a third-year law student.
Damion LeeNataliAll right, so the Democrats took Congress, a student invited President Shelton to Vegas and our football team almost made it to a bowl game. Big deal. Far as I’m concerned, the biggest issue of the semester is that the UA has undertaken another (yes, another!) crazy construction project. That’s right. Anyone seen the new concrete walkway in front of the Arizona State Museum that looks almost exactly like the old concrete walkway in front of the Arizona State Museum? Is this the New Deal? Are we just paying people to build stuff? C’mon!
– Damion LeeNatali is a senior majoring in political science and history.
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