Porn letter ‘a huge jump in logic’
In his letter published last Friday (“”A pornographic challenge”” 1/18), Zach Nicolazzo from the Oasis Center makes a huge jump in logic by linking U.S. rape statistics to Maxim magazine and strip clubs. I did verify that the U.S. is ranked ninth in rapes per capita among 65 countries surveyed by the United Nations in 2000. The UK, France, and Spain were not far off at numbers 13, 14, and 15, respectively. If Mr. Nicolazzo were really a sexual assault subject matter expert, then he would probably agree that rape is one of the most under-reported of crimes. It is also rather obvious that victims in some countries and cultures are much less likely to report rape crimes than in others. What country was last on the list with apparently the lowest number of rapes? Saudi Arabia. Big surprise. I didn’t know rape was even a crime there. In all seriousness, I believe victims in the U.S., relative to most nations of the world, would be much more likely to feel safe enough to report their assault to the police and have confidence that justice would be served. So basically, those stats are useless.
In addition, since when do we live in a “”rape culture?”” The sexual revolution that brought about feminism and greater acceptance of homosexuals, etc., also opened the doors to sexual expression. Such expression includes the freedom for women to pose for photos and give lap dances, and for men to pay their hard-earned money to enjoy them. Most industrialized nations permit pornography and exotic dancing, so are they all teeming with rapists too? Evil people will always exist to victimize the unfortunate few, but subjecting others to your puritanical beliefs (based on bad data), Mr. Nicolazzo, is a crime against all of us.
Justin CranmerUA alumnus
‘Sexual Editor’ should check facts prior to advice
Your sexual editor did “”Anonymous”” a disservice by giving incorrect information alongside the witty banter (“”Sexual Editor”” 1/22). Cold sores (the nickname for symptoms of oral herpes) are indeed common; most adults have the virus by age 20. However, contrary to what many people think, oral herpes in and of itself is not a STD. Most people get it as children from kissing relatives or others who have a cold sore around their lips. Furthermore, “”Anonymous”” could transmit the virus to her boyfriend’s genitals by performing oral sex on him during the times she feels she has a cold sore starting, a sore is visibly present, or even occasionally when there may be no symptoms. This could result in her boyfriend acquiring a less severe form of genital herpes … but genital herpes no less.
For this reason, she might want to consider using a condom when performing oral sex on her boyfriend. Her gynecologist or the Campus Health Service can give her more information, so your editor was correct to recommend asking a doctor. Next time, a simple Internet search would yield more reliable information for your sexual editor to refer readers to
Rachele Peterson UA Department of Pediatrics