Ericka Rios
An Arizona Board of Regents meeting. Throughout the meeting, people came up to the podium to discuss important elements of how to run the universities.
On April 7, the Arizona Board of Regents voted to change tuition rates for students at the University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University and Arizona State University, starting fall 2022.
The details were stated in an ABOR press release.
UA will uphold their Guaranteed Tuition Program, meaning that 99% of students will face no increase, according to the ABOR website.
“Tuition will rise 2% for incoming resident undergraduate students; resident undergraduate students not in the guaranteed program; and graduate resident students,” according to ABOR.
Those who are new and continuing non-resident undergraduates, not in the Guaranteed Tuition Program, will see a 5.6% increase.
The UA Guaranteed Tuition Program is a “commitment to provide students with a constant tuition rate and mandatory fees … for eight consecutive semesters,” according to the Guaranteed Tuition Program FAQs page on the UA Bursar website. It is automatically applied to all undergraduate students who enroll in a bachelor’s (or second bachelor’s) degree program. It is applicable for resident, non-resident, freshman and transfer students. More information can be found on the bursar website.
Additionally, UA graduate students’ online tuition will increase by 9% per credit hour, and online undergraduates’ will not increase at all. The College of Medicine-Tucson and Phoenix will have a 4.3% tuition increase, with a 1% tuition increase for first through fourth-year non-resident students. The College of Veterinary Medicine’s first through three-year resident and non-resident students’ tuition rates will rise by 3%.
RELATED: Arizona Board of Regents approve UA tuition increase; And other notes from the April meeting
“It is a priority to keep tuition increases low. Tuition and fee increases are one small piece of institutional funding for our priorities, which also include operational efficiencies, investment income and resources for auxiliaries, as outlined under our strategic plan,” UA President Dr. Robert C. Robbins said in his March 11 proposal to ABOR.
According to ABOR, NAU will keep its Pledge Program, which allows 4 years of consistent tuition fees for undergraduate students. New residents and non-resident students will see a 3.5% increase in tuition, whereas incoming international undergraduates’ tuition will increase by 7.4% and graduates’ by 7.2%.
Online ASU students’ tuition will increase by 2% per credit hour while resident immersion students will face a 2.5% tuition increase. Non-resident tuition will increase by 4%, and international students will see a 5% increase, according to the ABOR website.
In their official press release, ABOR Chair Lyndel Manson said that the board is aware of the impact tuition increases may have on Arizona students and families, but that they felt that each proposal was fairly modest.
“The proposals demonstrate the joint commitment of the presidents [of each university] to prioritize Arizona, access and quality while shielding resident students to the greatest extent possible from extraordinary inflationary cost pressures,” Manson said.
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