Ever been running late for class, just to see the “”full”” sign in front of the parking garage?
Does it bother you when swarms of people solicit you on the UA Mall?
These are just a couple of things people say are irritating about the UA.
“”Either you have to pay a lot of money for parking or you get a ticket,”” said Samantha Perkins, a secondary education freshman.
Students’ lists of irritating things on campus consist of items ranging from tuition costs to cell phone use in class.
“”Inconsiderate longboarders and bikers are the worst,”” said Robert Majeske, a chemical engineering freshman. “”They think they have the right of way on the mall.””
Many students’ top frustration is what they say are the never ending solicitations they receive on campus from credit card companies and aggressive people of faith spreading their message.
“”The people that preach are annoying. When I walk they never leave me alone,”” said Susan Frazier, a non-degree-seeking student. “”They’re unrelenting. If you say no, you have to justify your response. They’re almost like telemarketers.””
Jennifer Tashner, a plant sciences senior, called it “”rude and inconsiderate”” for students to text message or use cell phones during a lecture or discussion.
“”I pay money to be here,”” she said. “”They can talk on their cell phone on their own time.””
Thoughtless pedestrians can be annoying, students said. Some said such pedestrians, cutting in front of traffic, are not only a major irritation but also a safety risk.
“”Pedestrians take the right of way for granted. It makes it hard to drive,”” said Ashton Norman, a freshman majoring in biochemistry and molecular biophysics.
Egomeli Hormeku, a political science junior, pointed out a lack of diversity in the campus community.
“”There is no melting pot,”” he said. “”The uniformity of people is irritating.””
Students aren’t the only ones who are annoyed by what they see and experience at the UA. Maintenance workers expressed ire at pedestrians and bikers getting in the way of their work.
“”Sometimes they cut in front of us with their bikes,”” said Marry Rodriguez, a roofer who works for the UA. “”They need to show more respect.””
“”If they get hurt, we’ll get blamed,”” added fellow roofer Gus Valenzuela.
Money-related issues proved to be prevailing gripes.
“”The traffic here is terrible, and the price of parking is out of control,”” said math senior Jason Jones.
“”Tuition costs and extraneous books are annoying,”” added Scott Schmoyer, an education junior.