It’s getting warmer and your creativity might be lacking. Swimming, sunbathing, homework, school — but you need something fun to break up the drab. Here are some suggestions for some random yet fun times to be had. Ghost bustingHotel Congress may be a hot spot for drinks and concerts, but did you know that it’s haunted? The hotel was built in 1919 and burned down in 1934. It’s been restored but some old spirits still haunt the place. Room 242 in particular is said to be haunted by a woman who shot herself in the bathroom. People have reportedly seen the ghosts, heard strange noises and had nightmares while staying in the hotel. Make a reservation, grab a few friends and see what happens — it will definitely make for an adventure no matter what happens. Think of it as your own version of Disney’s “”The Tower of Terror,”” only a little bit darker and with fewer floors to plummet down. Hotel Congress, 311 E. Congress Keep on rollingMaybe something more up your alley is some good, old-fashioned skating. “”The No. 1 and only skating rink in Tucson Arizona,”” aka Skate Country, is good, cheap fun. Every Monday night is $1 admission, coffee is free and it’s great exercise. Have fun listening to some old-school tunes and request some of your favorites. They even have games and host lock-in nights. Dress up like an ’80s roller diva and make it a fun group activity. Skate Country, 7980 E. 22nd St.298-4409www.skatecountry.comIgnore the Top 40It seems that everyone gets stuck in the radio norms. With all the venues Tucson has to offer, The Rialto Theatre, Club Congress, The Rock, Solar Culture, Plush and others, there’s bound to be some new music that you’re into. Even Malibu Yogurt and Espresso Art host their very own open-mic nights. Pick a night when you have nothing to do and stop by one of them. You never know who you’ll discover — they could even be the next “”thing.”” Expand your music library and enjoy something loud and different. Get out of that comfort zone! The best caffeine out thereDo you still have yet to find the best cup of coffee? Will all those late nights you’ll put in before graduation the perfect cup of coffee really could make a difference. Explore Tucson’s local coffee shops — there are plenty around town. They’re sure to be leaps and bounds better than the average Starbucks and they’re probably cheaper too. There’s just something about those hole-in-the-wall places that makes them better than the rest. Plus you’ll have bragging rights and the claim to fame for discovering Tucson’s best coffee. Check out:Raging Sage, Caffé Luce, Coffee XChange, Epic Cafe, Espresso Art, Revolutionary Grounds, Bentley’s