Courtesy Shane T. McCoy / US Marshals (CC BY 2.0)
Washington - March 23, 2016. Deputy Attorney General of the United States Sally Q. Yates Announces the results of the U.S. Marshals led Operation VR12. This six-week initiative, resulted in the arrest of more than 8,075 gang members, sex offenders and other violent criminals. While Operation VR12 was conducted nationwide in all 94 federal judicial districts, U.S. Marshals focused special attention on 12 selected locations, designated as priority cities by the U.S. Department of Justice: Baltimore; Brooklyn, New York; Camden, New Jersey; Chicago, Illinois; Compton, California; Fresno, California; Gary, Indiana; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New Orleans; Oakland, California; Savannah, Georgia; and Washington, D.C. In order to have the greatest impact on violent crime, Operation VR12 focused on fugitives who had three or more prior felony arrests for crimes such as murder, attempted murder, robbery, aggravated assault, arson, abduction/kidnapping, weapon offenses, sexual assault, child molestation and narcotics. Operation VR12 investigators increased their focus on fugitives accused of sex crimes and on the recovery of missing children. Between February 1 and March 11, the U.S. Marshals Service used its multi-jurisdictional investigative authority and fugitive task force network to arrest 648 gang members and others wanted on charges including 559 for homicide; and 946 for sexual offenses. In addition, investigators seized 463 firearms, $390,360 in currency, and more than 71 kilograms of illegal narcotics. Also during the operation, investigators recovered 17 children who had been abducted and reported missing. Please Credit: (Photo by Shane T. McCoy / US Marshals)
“You’re Fired,” the famous catch phrase of the reality TV star turned president of the United States of America was delivered to the attorney general on Monday.
Sally Yates was fired because she was “refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States,” according to the White House.
Yates and the Founding Fathers of this country believe and have stated that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.
Donald Trump and a few members of the Grand Old Party seem to disagree.
The defiance of Donald Trump’s unlawful order had him bursting into orange flames. He knew he had to act on this situation right away. Trump fired Yates and broke down the one moral wall he had to pass on the executive order to ban immigration from seven countries.
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Yates stood by her beliefs and stated, “at present, I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful”.
Politics and the fear of unfamiliarity —some call this xenophobia, some racism— are leading this country down a dark alley. At this point, the abuse of power is definitely not helping.
He seems to take out anyone who says boo to him. He names people who have no experience in government, but plenty of experience at being the CEO’s of enormous corporations. Trump wants to surround himself with people who will make him look intelligent, and anyone who combats him —or even slightly doubts him— will not be in his cabinet.
Trump immediately replaced Yates with a man who would bend over backward for him. Dana J. Boente was appointed to be acting attorney general. The Virginia attorney immediately revoked Yates’ decision and the GOP in all its hate-fueled glory was able to rest easy.
Dana is unable to rest in his nice new job and probably won’t even have it after his February birthday. Trump has decided to appoint Jeff Sessions —a man who failed to be appointed to the district court— as the attorney general.
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Sessions has the image that fits everything Trump stands for. He opposed almost every socially liberal bill, and has taken a hard line on healthcare. Sessions, who was also a candidate for Donald’s vice president choice, is a YUGE fan of anti-immigration stances. He has spoken highly of Trump’s vision of a wall on the Mexican border —which many people are just finding out may have a river running through it— and of course he supports the temporary immigration ban.
The most haunting vote of Mr. Sessions past, though, has not really been brought to the public’s attention: he was one of the Senators who voted against an amendment to prohibit the use of excessive torture on people captured by the U.S.
“I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,” said Trump in a debate before the Republican primary in New Hampshire. Perhaps Trump wants to pass a bit more than just a few immigration bills.
Trump has proven to be an impulsive and cruel man, in business practice and as a president. He has shown no interest in the wants of the people and doesn’t seem afraid of wrongful termination. All we have now is prayers, it doesn’t matter to what God.
Follow Chuck Valadez on Twitter.