October 7,1955
Pull out your pocketbooks, gals. Next week “”The Woman Requested to Pay.””
Monday marks the beginning of AWS-sponsored Twirp Weed which will be climaxed next Friday with the annual AWS formal.
This year coeds will be faced with the problem of finding a new method of snagging their men. In the past a Sadie Hawkins Day race was held on the Women’s Field. Each house and all was represented in the race in which women students tried to catch the men participants who were hampered by the chair each carried. This year the field was not available and interest in the race was low, so the event was cancelled.
But don’t give up, girls. There are still the good old coke and coffee dates. Local theaters and restaurants are waiting for your business, and if you really want to splurge, how about a dinner date?
Of course women must ask for all dated during the week. In fact, Beth Morris, ASW social chairman, has requested that men don’t ask for any dates during Twirp Week. According to Twirp rules, girls must also provide transportation and, carrying out the name, pick up all checks.
Oriental mystery combined with the music of Jack Kimball’s band will highlight the “”Singapore Swing”” Friday night. Coeds are their dates will dance in a simulated Japanese garden. Tickets for the dance will go on sale Monday in the SU arcade for $1.50 a couple. AWS representatives will handle ticket sales.
Girls will have 1 p.m. closing hours for the dance, according to the Office of the Dean of Women.