Tom Price
The bicycle racks outside Coronado Residence Hall jammed with bikes for the 776 students that live in the dorm. In September UAPD will start a Traffic Education and Enforcement program.
As the snowbirds return to Arizona for the cooler weather and students return for classes in August, the University of Arizona Police Department sees an increase in injuries to pedestrians and cyclists at the beginning of the school year.
To address this issue, UAPD will begin a Traffic Education and Enforcement Program that aims to lower the number injuries, educate the public and enforce traffic laws on the UA campus, according to a UAPD press release.
Police officers will be deployed to the following locations:
Cherry Avenue & University Boulevard Fourth Street & Highland AvenueSecond Street & Highland AvenueSecond Street and & Olive StreetThe pedestrian tunnels at Warren AvenueHighland Avenue and Olive StreetSixth Street between Warren Avenue and Tyndall Avenue.
UAPD will have officers available in person at the listed locations to address questions and concerns the public may have and to offer informational pamphlets in regards to Arizona laws about pedestrian and cyclists rights and responsibilities.
The officers will also be present to enforce traffic laws and to cite violators.
Officers will be present at the locations listed above during the following dates:
Tuesday, Sept. 6 to Friday, Sept. 9 from 7–10 a.m. and 2–5 p.m.Monday, Sept. 12 to Friday, Sept. 16 from 7–10 a.m. and 2–5 p.m.
The Traffic Education and Enforcement Program is designed to increase awareness and safety for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists.
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