John Winston, right, Timothy Hagdoke, and Grant Harter watch the Super Bowl at Frog & Firkin on University Boulevard Sunday afternoon.
Pizza, parties and a little bit of gambling were all part of the fun for students during yesterday’s Super Bowl XLI.
“”Last year, the day of the Super Bowl, was our biggest day of the year,”” said Tom Nguyen, manager of Papa John’s on East Speedway Boulevard and North Tucson Boulevard, adding that the popular restaurant sold nearly 900 pizzas.
Residents assistants and hall directors in residence halls allocated money in their budgets to make sure students could afford game food for Super Bowl Sunday, said Sean Whitson, a pre-physiology junior and resident assistant in Coronado Residence Hall.
“”We are showing the game with wings and subs,”” Whitson said, during the game, which the Indianapolis Colts won 29-17 over the Chicago Bears. “”We have a television lounge with a big-screen TV and about 20 students watching.””
The Cellar Lounge, on the first floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, had the game on their projection screen but had only a handful of students watching.
“”Usually, we are pretty busy on Sunday, but students might have other plans today,”” said Andy Bliznick, dining services supervisor for SUMC and manager of the Cellar Lounge. “”We have the game on our screen and are just waiting to see if it picks up throughout the day.””
For students who live off-campus, the game created a way to spend time with friends and make a little extra money in friendly gambles.
“”It’s a yearly thing at our house,”” said Jennifer Doyle, a retail and consumer sciences junior. “”We all get together and throw money down for different teams.””
Doyle said she put $20 on the Bears.
Amber Estorga, a communication junior, was also rooting for the Bears, although she said the real appeal of the Super Bowl involves getting together with friends.
“”It’s great to spend quality time with your friends,”” Estorga said. “”It’s nice to take a break from school. Plus, the food is always awesome.””
While some gathered around their televisions to watch the game, other students spent their Sunday watching the commercials.
“”The whole reason I’m watching the game is for the commercials,”” said Antar Davidson de Sa, a political science junior. “”It’s like the Oscars for the marketing world – Who’s playing again?””