Have you noticed the recent surge of cat pop-culture?
The musical “”Cats,”” or just cats in general?
Cats in general.
No, I haven’t.
You haven’t seen the cat playing the piano?
Well, I’ve seen things on YouTube. Just a couple of things on YouTube, but nothing outstanding in the news or anything like that.
I’m talking more about the YouTube stuff.
OK. Yeah.
People seem to have started to think that cats are hysterical. Do you think that mindset has been around for a while?
I don’t know. Maybe a little bit. I think it might be coming out now more than ever.
Do you think that cats are hysterical?
Personally, not really. But, that’s just me.
Do you like cats?
I do. I have a cat myself.
What’s your cat’s name?
Her name is Sally.
Why Sally?
Have you ever heard the song “”Lay Down Sally”” by Eric Clapton?
I might remember it if I heard it.
Yeah, that’s where it’s from.
Does Sally ever do anything funny that you would think about putting on YouTube?
No. She literally just sits around on the bed all day, and just sits there like a lazy little pile. Like a fat cat.
So, your cat is not ready for the celebrity cat life?
No. She chooses to be alone right now.
Are you also a dog person?
Love dogs. I have two dogs.
Carnie and P. Diddy.
I don’t even have to ask about those names. Do Carnie and P. Diddy do anything funny?
The funniest thing there is that P. Diddy, the small little Pug, is in control of the bigger one. A Pug and a Bernese Mountain Dog. The Pug absolutely controls the Bernese Mountain Dog. It’s just kind of funny to watch them play around with one another when the big dog is terrified of the little dog.
Do you think P. Diddy has what it takes to be a celebrity dog?
I think so. He’s kind of a diva, to be honest with you. He would fit in perfectly.
If P. Diddy could be in any movie, what movie would he be in?
If he could replace the “”Men In Black”” Pug, he would do that.
So, he’s prepared to play an alien, basically.
Yeah, just a sarcastic dog alien.
—Katie Gault