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Fast Facts
November 2, 2007
An early form of ketchup was sold as medicine in the 19th century.
French fries were invented in Belgium.
It would be possible to build 60 average-sized homes from one giant redwood tree.
Short pants weren’t part of tennis attire until about 1940.
More words in the English language begin with “”s”” than any other letter.
Shakespeare was born in 1564, the same year that Michelangelo died.
More than 70 percent of the water in U.S. homes is used in the bathroom.
The average human brain is 80 percent water.
There are at least 100,000 chemical reactions going on in a human being every second.
Beer was often served with breakfast in medieval England.
The subatomic particles known as quarks were named after a line in James Joyce’s “”Finnegans Wake.””
There are now said to be more Samoans in Los Angeles than in American Samoa.
New Zealand is the only country that contains every type of climate in the world.
Afghan dogs are said to be the world’s dumbest dogs.
Sen. Bob Dole once said, “”The Internet is a great way to get on the ‘net.””
Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving used spoons, knives and their fingers as eating utensils (forks weren’t in fashion at the time).
Both the Beach Boys and Guns ‘N’ Roses recorded songs written by Charles Manson.