The Statue of Liberty’s index finger is eight feet long.
The California gold rush yielded 125 million ounces of gold from 1850 to 1875 – more than had been mined in the previous 350 years and worth more than $50 billion today.
Fastest-growing plant on earth: bamboo, which can grow as much as 35 inches a day.
The bark of the giant sequoia can be up to two feet thick.
Onions are members of the lily family.
Coconut shells can absorb more impact than most crash helmets.
Approximately 75 percent of the trees in Australia are eucalyptus.
Most people generally fart between 10 and 20 times a day, expelling enough gas to inflate a small balloon.
Cockroaches can flatten themselves almost to the thinness of a piece of paper in order to slide into tiny cracks; they can be frozen for weeks and then thawed with no ill effect; and they can withstand 126 g’s of pressure with no problem (people get squished at 18 g’s).
Over 10 percent of American have picked someone else’s nose.
The crusty goop you find in your eyes when you wake up is the exact same mucus you find in your nose – boogers.
The odds of being killed by a bolt of lightning are about the same as those of being killed by falling out of bed.