On ‘Four Loko riskier than beer’
With the flavor, cost and high percentage of alcohol, it is obvious this company is targeting younger drinkers. At least now students will be warned of the effects of this drink.
Beth Carter
Even though $3 a can seems cheap, it is still more than beer. College students aren’t going to be standing around drinking a fruity beverage because it’s just not cool.
Columbus Injury Lawyer
On ‘Med students bust border barriers’
This club is a joke. There is an obvious lack of communication here at UA because there are several clubs across campus that do the exact SAME thing. i.e. go to Nogales and volunteer at a clinic blah blah. The title of this article is misleading “”Med Students…”” in hopes that pre-medical student reads it and joins the club (waste of time). It is obvious that the club president “”invented”” this club so she can put it on her resume for medical school. Give me a break and stop feeling “”entitled”” as if you are already in medical school … I believe that the Daily Wildcat had no right to highlight this club because they do NOT take the time to highlight all clubs across campus. I know this would be impossible if their newspaper were to take the time but if they choose to highlight one club they should offer to highlight all clubs across campus! Shame on you Arizona Daily Wildcat.
Dan 2007