On July 15, 1971, the Student Health Center’s assistant director complained that Associated Students of the University of Arizona’s plan to put a birth control clinic on campus was a violation of state law. “”It’s a very complicated religious and moral problem,”” Dr. William J. Perrin told the Arizona Summer Wildcat. The university is “”scared stiff”” by local reactions to the clinic, he added.
On July 17, 1988, the Wildcat reported that a survey by its reporters showed that a majority of Tucsonans supported an initiative to make English the official language in Arizona. The initiative was passed that November.
On July 17, 1980, ASUA president Ron St. John told the Wildcat he would support the nomination of Ronald Reagan at that year’s Republican convention. St. John, who was selected as an alternate to the Arizona convention, said: “”We’ve got to get the government off our backs and out of our pocketbooks.””
On July 14, 1977, the Wildcat urged the city to go ahead and build an overpass over “”the most dangerous intersection in the city,”” at Speedway Boulevard and Olive Road. “”University and city officials can argue and philosophize all they please, but the time has come for them to stop doing it at the expense of the health of students and faculty who are just trying to cross the street,”” editor Olaf Frandsen wrote.
– compiled by Justyn Dillingham