In the future, 125 years from now, this campus will be very much the same.
Freshmen will still come fresh out of high school, high on independence and adrenaline, and make silly decisions pertaining to alcohol.
Seniors will still look back, wondering how they would have done it differently from the beginning and stressing out over their next years.
Tuition will still be too high, and financial aid will still be too low to meet everyone’s needs. The UA will still be a business, after all.
People probably won’t hate homosexuals or Mexican people anymore. It’ll go out of style. They’ll hate someone else. Maybe the Chinese, depending on how powerful they get in the next century; whoever can centralize the most personal vendettas into one identity, idea or people. Maybe it will be people who are part cyborg or something.
Family Weekend and Homecoming will still be the only weekends when they water the grass on the UA Mall.
The residents of the Highland dorms will still probably smoke marijuana in the bowl at night, as part of some nightly burrito ritual.
The walk across campus will feature a lot of the same sights, for better or for worse. “”Letters from Mal”” could probably be printed over and over again for the next 125 years, and it would still be as relevant as it is today.
There might be jetpacks and laser shields, and Barack Obama may be regarded as one of the worst presidents the United States of America has ever had. Just saying. You never know.
They might release the cure for AIDS by then. Who knows? Good luck with that, future society.
— Remy Albillar is a senior majoring in English and creative writing.