Pack of stones gone to waste
A University of Arizona Police Department officer was patrolling Highland Avenue in his police car at 12:42 a.m. on Sunday morning when he noticed four male college students walking, one of them carrying a 30-pack of Keystone beer. As the officer approached the students, they continued to act more suspiciously, he noted. As the students headed eastbound toward the stadium parking lot, the officer drove around the back of the building. When the officer arrived at the stadium parking lot, he noticed the four students fled, leaving the unopened case of alcohol behind. The officer stopped and emptied each can of beer into a trash can located by the parking lot. After emptying out the cans, the officer conducted a search in the surrounding areas, but did not find any of the four students. No further information has been found.
Let me vomit in peace, please
UAPD officers responded to a resident assistant’s call after a male college student had vomited in the restrooms and the surrounding areas of his dorm on Sunday morning at 3:10 a.m. Officers arrived at the scene, which reeked heavily of vomit. As officers tried to investigate the student, the student informed them that he wanted to continue puking. Officers described the student as “heavily intoxicated” with slurred and confused speech, bloodshot eyes and a mixture of intoxicants and vomit odors coming from his breath. When officers asked the student how much he had to drink and where he consumed the alcohol, he responded, “only a little bit and I don’t know where.” The UA students’ two friends agreed to watch him for the night and take care of him if needed. He was cited and left to his dorm room.
Cat fight in Pueblo de la Cienega
A UAPD officer was patrolling Highland Avenue on Saturday night when he received a call that a fight between two women had broken out in the Pueblo de la Cienega Residence Hall. Once the officer arrived at the scene, the fight had broken up. One woman was holding a cold ice pack to her face while another was sitting in her room. The officer spoke to both women, and found that the woman with the ice pack was the one at fault. The officer spoke to the woman sitting in her room first, and she explained that she was in her room trying to sleep when a group of women came into the hall and started knocking on doors and making loud noises. She asked the group if they could be quiet, because she was sleeping. The womens’ replies were, “no.” As the group started walking away, they shouted out to her, “you’re a bitch and you’re bi-polar.” The woman then exited her room and started hitting the woman who had made the comment. The woman with the ice pack told the same story to the officers. The individual in the room stated she did not want to file a noise complaint nor continue anything further and that, “all I want to do is go to sleep.” The loud woman was not arrested. However, when officers asked her if she had had anything to drink, she replied, “yes, I drank vodka at the Delta Chi fraternity party off campus.” The woman was cited for minor in possession of alcohol as well as given a code of conduct form from the Dean of Students Office.